Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

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Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Khorah » June 25th, 2014, 1:16 pm

Title says it all..
My lvl 25 [pet]Ethereal Soul-Trader[/pet] for your [pet]Tuskarr Kite[/pet] (any level)..

This is a non-duped pet as I got him from trades here well before the "mysterious" influx of new traders appeared.
I am happy to roll a toon wherever you are to do the trade. Just shoot me a bnet request with a note letting me know who you are (damn spammers keep sending me requests :oops: )
My tag is over there <----

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Sibi » June 25th, 2014, 2:20 pm

So far as I've been able to see you can't add notes with Btag requests anymore...then again my btag requests usually end up lost somewhere in the Twisting Nether so maybe my Btag is just broken.


Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Guest » June 26th, 2014, 2:46 am

Unless you were trading TCG unscratched cards there is no way to verify whether something is a dupe or not. So claiming legit or not is misleading and could make others over pay for items they can never truly know the validity of.
Last edited by Guest on June 26th, 2014, 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Khorah » June 26th, 2014, 9:41 am

Ummm.. ok.. well.. Sorry Nobufusa if I kicked back a request.. It was one of several I have gotten this week..

2nd.. well.. I guess on your server you may be able to score a EST for 28k.. On Medivh, they are sitting at 80k on Alliance side and none on Horde side.. I have seen kites going for that and less.. so.. your mileage may vary..

But thanks anyway..

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Sibi » June 26th, 2014, 11:15 am

Most people on the site tend to base their pricing on Undermine Journal specifically Illidan prices as opposed to individual servers. If we all went off our own servers worth we'd probably never get any trading completed.
Just throwing that out there. But Nobu is right most of the frequent traders are going to place a MUCH higher value on the kite.

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Faelar » June 26th, 2014, 12:56 pm

Well also it is not our place to call out the prices on trades either. There used to be a code of etiquette that was followed on these forums and we would try to warn people of potential scams, ripoffs or just totally 1 sided trades. But in the case of pets being not too far off in value it was not really our place to say such things. Nobu it is quite wrong of you to come in and claim "soul traders are 28k!" when in fact that is not true of most servers. Yes the tuskarr kite can hit some very high amounts but on some realms those two pets are not far off.

Also just basing prices on the silly realm of Illidan is just not the best idea to go by. I tend to average out some prices based on a multitude of high pop realms and go from there.


Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Guest » June 26th, 2014, 1:21 pm

I am not just basing it on Illidan prices my contention is with the fact someone could say they are trading a non dupe in this market when anything but unscratched tcg cards are being traded there is no way to verify. The price difference is secondary but we are all such honest people here and this site is to benefit the collectors not so much the traders. Faelar you are trading EST like they grow on trees did you buy 5 for 100k?

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Faelar » June 26th, 2014, 1:36 pm

Traded for 2 and bought 4 of them on my realm and I paid more than 20k per Mr. Sarcasm. The fact is this site is just not for collectors it is also for traders. The fact is there are plenty of realms I could take soul-traders do and flip them for 60k+ if I was so inclined and then try and find a tuskarr. It can happen and thus to blast someone for seeking a trade for them is just wrong.

Also the fact that the EST is a dupe or not at this point is not even worth much of a discussion. Not one single person can prove the EST they have is legit. Even if you showed me the code scratched card that does not mean the in game pet is the same one that was on that card. So it really matters not if they say it is legit or not and we know it.

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Ravnhawk » June 26th, 2014, 1:42 pm

You might also find people asking you to use paypal to pay for ingame pets. That's been happening to me alot lately. They will PM you then ask if you want to do a trade for real cash. Be careful of those offers. Or they will ask you to use skype to make the trade as well. I just politely say no.

And yes it's been happening from people on this site.


Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Guest » June 26th, 2014, 2:04 pm

thats why I said unscratched codes only way to verify if item is non duped then once scratched no longer does that hold true, only the person who scratched it would know. Vilify me I do not care my point is if you try to raise the value of your own pets by claiming they are non duped when there is no way to verify and you get some trader on here to fall for it I think it is shameful and should not be tolerated.

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Faelar » June 26th, 2014, 2:07 pm

I am not vilifying you nor have I ever said the traders I have are duped or not. I am 99% sure the ones I've got off of trades/ah have been duped. The only one I know for sure is legit is my own level 25 that I've had for well over a year. But even so I cannot prove that. And I'm also not out to raise the value of my pets, I know they are 30-40k range pets on a multitude of realms, but the thing is that I could still go to some realms and get 60k+ is also true.


Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Guest » June 26th, 2014, 2:42 pm

it was wrong of me to discuss values but I feel the post was misleading and it has been reported. If khorah had posted that he was trading est for tuskaar kite and left it at that no problem . if he got one good for him but to make people who may be worried about their pet disappearing after they make a trade thus paying more for an item I feel is wrong and not needed here.


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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Moonie1 » June 26th, 2014, 2:44 pm

Calling people out on their trade post... not cool. Anyone with a Tuskarr kite can easily see what they trade for around here. You dont need to call people out trying to trade up. I also found your comment directed at Faelar over his stockpile of EST's not cool too. As others have said, the trade is close depending on what server you are on. There are people that would be comfortable with the trade. Obviously you are not Nobu, but you didnt have to drop the hammer and post extreme prices of 28k for EST and 100k for Tuskarr to make it look like he was trying to scam people.

Edit: Now I see you claiming you reported him? What is your malfunction? Are you going to report every trade offer around here you dont agree with?


Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Guest » June 26th, 2014, 2:46 pm

the scam was not in the value the scam was saying that his was legit when no way to verify it in this market if you want to pretend you do not know how things work I could care less . go to illidan wait for a perosn with name RGERTERTYERTG and he will sell you a est for no more than 30k and even less when you buy in bulk ok thanks

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Faelar » June 26th, 2014, 2:48 pm

I think the main issue is the claims people make about their pet being legit or a duped one. To be honest there is very little ways to show that your pet is legit. The only way you KNOW for 100% sure you are getting a legit pet is if you are scratching the TCG card off yourself and redeeming it in booty bay.

To be honest I think the mentioning that your pet is 'legit' really needs to just be omitted from posts as it just leads to controversy. Most Soul-traders, dragon kites, viscous horrors and spectral tiger cubs that are being traded, shown on the AH, listed in trade chat are dupes and that is just the sad reality of those 4 pets.

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Moonie1 » June 26th, 2014, 2:57 pm

Nobufusa wrote:the scam was not in the value the scam was saying that his was legit when no way to verify it in this market if you want to pretend you do not know how things work I could care less . go to illidan wait for a perosn with name RGERTERTYERTG and he will sell you a est for no more than 30k and even less when you buy in bulk ok thanks
What proof do you have that he is a scammer for you to report him? You are making baseless accusations, harassing long time members in the process. You might want to tone it back a little. Its a sad day when someone with an account barely 3 months old starts harassing someone thats been here for 5+ years.

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Angelwings626 » June 26th, 2014, 2:57 pm

Illegal Aliens with no TCG Passport are being discriminated against, as they may be deported by Blizzard.


But seriously guys, don't hijack the thread then get mad at each other.....

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Faelar » June 26th, 2014, 3:05 pm

well the length of time, amount of posts, etc. really isn't something that matters either. I mean if I was to make a claim saying my soul-trader was legit I'd be okay with people questioning it as well. I mean I've been here since december 2012 with almost 1300 posts at this point. I still question any post claiming legit on certain pets now. Though to be fair I don't question them out loud.

Go back to your own country Soul-Traders! There is no work for you here! RAWR! Haha reminds me of the goobacks south park episode now.

But yeah this thread is beyond hijacked sadly.

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Sibi » June 26th, 2014, 3:05 pm

I wasn't saying he should base his trades off that I was just throwing in that the vast majority of the regular traders I've dealt with and even some of the new traders tend to go off what they could make on Illidan for a particular pet instead of just their own server. Mostly just as a heads up for what he might be facing trying to trade that pet for the one he is looking to get.

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Re: Ethereal Soul-Trader for trade for Tuskarr Kite

Post by Faelar » June 26th, 2014, 3:07 pm

I think some of us have forgotten the pet trading guidelines where we try not to call out the value of pets. Now there have been some situations where it was warranted, where someone had like a CE they wanted to trade and someone was beyond lowballing them. But that is a very rare situation and it was to protect someone that didn't know the worth of pets. I think in the situation with TCGs that are in the 30k-100k range that is up to the people that want to trade them.
