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Looking for Battles Stones (Flying/Beast/Critter)

Posted: August 14th, 2014, 4:28 pm
by Jarekucb
Hi there,
BT: Jarek#1999

I'm looking battle stones to finish off my collection: Need 7 flying and 8 beasts (500g each). I can offer gold on Stormrage or Illidan, Sageras.

P.S also taking critters as well.

Re: Looking for Battles Stones (Flying/Beast/Critter)

Posted: August 14th, 2014, 4:42 pm
by Kpb321
I have a number of stones and would be interested in gold on Illidan Horde.

BT kpb#1554

Re: Looking for Battles Stones (Flying/Beast/Critter)

Posted: August 14th, 2014, 5:39 pm
by Jarekucb
Added you Kpb