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Blizzcon Live Ticket

Posted: September 4th, 2014, 7:47 pm
by Rookwood
Hey guys! I know its still too early to tell, but if the Blizzcon stream provides a pet again this year, I will be willing to purchase the stream for someone in exchange for some select rare pets. Just one purchase though. So if you are interested in a possible deal, contact me here or on Battle Tag: Rook#1488 and we can discuss some possible ideas.

Re: Blizzcon Live Ticket

Posted: September 4th, 2014, 9:37 pm
by Kpb321
I'd be interested in doing that. Send me a friend request and we can see if we can work out the details.

Re: Blizzcon Live Ticket

Posted: September 4th, 2014, 11:48 pm
by Rookwood
Ok, deal is done with Kpb! Thank you :D