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Posted: October 11th, 2014, 5:06 am
by Goldash
Viscous Horror

Also wanting crossed out pets below(All tradable pets are listed).
(A-F) (G-P) (R-Z)
* Abyssius * Gahz'rooki * Rascal-Bot
* Albino Chimaeraling * Ghastly Kid * Ravasaur Hatchling
* Albino River Calf * Ghostly Skull * Razormaw Hatchling
* Albino Snake * Ghostshell Crab * Razzashi Hatchling
* Ammen Vale Lashling * Giant Bone Spider * Red Dragonhawk Hatchling
* Ancient Nest Guardian * Giant Sewer Rat * Red Moth
* Ancona Chicken * Gilnean Raven(BB) Rocket Chicken
* Anubisath Idol * Glowing Sporebat * Rotten Little Helper
* Aqua Strider * Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling * Ruby Droplet
* Ashleaf Sprite * Gooey Sha-ling * Rustberg Gull
* Ashstone Core * Great Horned Owl Sand Scarab
* Azure Crane Chick * Green Wing Macaw * Sapphire Cub
Azure Whelpling * Gregarious Grell Savage Cub
Bananas * Grinder * Scooter the Snail
* Black Kingsnake Grotesque * Sea Calf
Black Tabby * Grumpling * Sea Pony
* Blackfuse Bombling * Gu'chi Swarmling Seaborne Spore
Blazing Cindercrawler * Guardian Cub Searing Scorchling
* Blazing Firehawk * Gulp Froglet * Sen'jin Fetish
* Bloodthorn Hatchling Gundrak Hatchling * Senegal
* Blorp Gusting Grimoire * Sentinel's Companion
* Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot * Harbringer of Flame Servant of Demidos
* Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling * Harmonious Porcupette * Shard of Cyrukh
* Blue Moth Hatespark the Tiny * Shimmering Wyrmling
* Bombay Cat * Hawk Owl * Shore Crawler
* Bone Serpent * Hippogryph Hatchling * Siamese Cat
* Bone Wasp * Hyacinth Macaw * Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling
* Brilliant Spore * Hydraling * Silver Tabby Cat
* Bronze Whelpling * Hyjal Bear Cub * Sinister Squashling
* Brown Prairie Dog Hyjal Wisp * Sister of Temptation
* Brown Rabbit * Ikky * Skunky Alemental
* Brown Snake * Imperial Moth * Sky Fry
* Bush Chicken * Imperial Silkworm * Sky-Bo
* Calico Cat * Iron Starlette * Slithershock Elver
* Chaos Pup * Jade Crane Chick * Smolderweb Hatchling
* Chi-Ji Kite * Jade Owl * Snarly
* Chrominius * Jadefire Spirit * Snowshoe Rabbit
* Chuck * Jademist Dancer * Snowy Panda
* Cinder Pup Ji-Kun Hatchling * Son Of Animus
* Clockwork Gnome * Kaliri Hatchling * Son Of Sethe
* Clockwork Rocket Bot * Kovok * Soul of the Forge
* Cobra Hatchling * Land Shark * Spawn of G'nathus
* Cockatiel Landros Lichling * Spectral Porcupette
* Coilfang Stalker * Landros Lil' XT Spectral Tiger Cub
* Corefire Imp Lanticore Spawnling Speedy
* Cornish Rex Cat * Leaping Hatchling * Spineclaw Crab
* Corrupted Nest Guardian * Left Shark * Spirit of Summer
Crawling Claw Legs * Spring Rabbit
* Crazy Carrot * Lesser Voidcaller * Sprite Darter Hatchling
* Crimson Lasher * Leviathan Hatchling * Stinkrot
* Crimson Snake * Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar * Stitched Pup
* Crimson Spore * Lifelike Toad * Stonegrinder
Crimson Whelpling * Lil' Bad Wolf * Stout Alemental
* Crusher * Lil' Bling * Strand Crawler
* Cursed Birman * Lil' Leftovers * Sun Sproutling
* Dandelion Frolicker * Lil' Smoky * Sunblade Micro-Defender
* Dark Whelpling Living Fluid * Sunfire Kaliri
* Darkmoon Cub * Living Sandling * Sunfur Panda
* Darkmoon Eye * Lost Netherpup * Sunreaver Micro-Sentry
* Darkmoon Hatchling * Lovebird Hatchling * Syd The Squid
* Darkmoon Monkey * Lumpy * Tainted Waveling
* Darkmoon Rabbit Lunar Lantern * Teldrassil Sproutling
* Darkmoon Tonk * Macabre Marionette * Teroclaw Hatchling
* Darkmoon Turtle * Magic Lamp * Terrible Turnip
* Darkmoon Zeppelin Magical Crawdad * Tickbird Hatchling
* Darting Hatchling * Mana Wyrmling Tideskipper
* De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion * Meadowstomper Calf Tiny Blue Carp
* Death Adder Hatchling * Mechanical Axebeak * Tiny Goldfish
* Death Talon Whelpguard Mechanical Chicken * Tiny Green Carp
* Deviate Hatchling * Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling Tiny Red Carp
* Direhorn Runt * Mechanical Scorpid * Tiny Shale Spider
* Disgusting Oozeling * Mechanical Squirrel * Tiny Snowman
* Doom Bloom * Mechanopeep * Tiny Sporebat
* Draenei Micro Defender * Menagerie Custodian Tiny White Carp
Dragon Kite * Mini Mindslayer * Tirisfal Batling
Droplet of Y'shaarj * Mojo * Toothy
* Dun Morogh Cub * Moon Moon * Toxic Wasteling
* Durotar Scorpion * Mountain Panda * Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
* Dusty Sporeling * Mr. Grubbs * Tree Frog
* Egbert * Mr. Wiggles Tuskarr Kite
* Elekk Plushie * Muckbreath * Umbrafen Spore
* Elementium Geode * Mulgore Hatchling * Undercity Cockroach
* Elwynn Lamb * Nether Ray Fry * Untamed Hatchling
* Emerald Whelpling * Netherspace Abyssal * Veilwatcher Hatchling
* Enchanted Broom * Netherspawn, Spawn of Netherspawn * Vengeful Porcupette
* Enchanted Lantern Nightmare Bell * Viscidus Globule
Ethereal Soul-Trader Nightsaber Cub Viscous Horror
Empowered Manafiend * Nightshade Sproutling * Voodoo Figurine
* Empyreal Manafiend * Obsidian Hatchling * Weebomination
* Energized Manafiend * Ominous Flame * Whiskers the Rat
* Everbloom Peachick * Orange Tabby Cat * White Kitten
* Eye of Observation * Ore Eater * White Moth
Eye of the Legion * Pandaren Air Spirit * White Tickbird Hatchling
* Father Winter's Helper * Pandaren Earth Spirit * Widget The Departed
* Feline Familiar * Pandaren Fire Spirit * Willy
* Festival Lantern * Pandaren Water Spirit * Winter Reindeer
* Fiendish Imp Peanut * Winter's Little Helper
* Filthling * Peddlefeet * Winterspring Cub
Firefly * Pengu * Wolpertinger
* Firewing * Periwinkle Calf * Wood Frog
* Fishy * Personal World Destroyer * Worg Pup
* Forest Sproutling * Pet Bombling * Wretched Servant
* Fossilized Hatchling * Phoenix Hatchling * Yellow Moth
Fox Kit * Phoenix Hawk Hatchling * Young Talbuk
* Fragment of Anger * Pierre * Yu'lon Kite
* Fragment of Desire * Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm * Zandalari Anklerender
* Fragment of Suffering * Pocket Reaver * Zandalari Kneebiter
* Frigid Frostling * Porcupette * Zandalari Footslasher
* Frostwolf Ghost Pup * Proto-Drake Whelp * Zandalari Toenbiter
* Frostwolf Pup * Pterrordax Hatchling * Zangar Spore
* Fruit Hunter * Puddle Terror * Zomstrok
* Fungal Abomination Purple Puffer
* Pygmy Direhorn
Aquatic Battle-Stone Elemental Battle-Stone Magic Battle-Stone
Beast Battle-Stone * Flying Battle-Stone * Mechanical Battle-Stone
Critter Battle-Stone Humanoid Battle-Stone * Undead Battle-Stone
* Dragonkin Battle-Stone
Flawless Battle-Stone

Re: WTT My Syd The Squid for Your Hatespark the Tiny

Posted: November 25th, 2014, 8:59 pm
by Goldash
Thanks to:
  • Faelar

Re: WTT My Syd The Squid for Your Hatespark the Tiny

Posted: November 25th, 2014, 11:12 pm
by Faelar
Sent a friend request, I'm game for this trade.

Re: WTT My Syd The Squid for Your Hatespark the Tiny

Posted: November 26th, 2014, 1:56 am
by Goldash
Thanks Faelar
My Syd The Squid for Your Hatespark the Tiny


Posted: January 29th, 2015, 10:26 pm
by Goldash


Posted: January 29th, 2015, 10:55 pm
by Ssparkles
I have Nightshade Sproutlings and Sky-Bo.
We share a realm. Will look for you in game.


Posted: January 29th, 2015, 11:44 pm
by Desi
Hi There,

I am after a jadefire spirit and pygmy direhorn, and i have access to the alliance side rep pets - sky fry, draenei micro defender, etc.

Pls send me a message if you are interested in a trade


Posted: January 30th, 2015, 1:49 am
by Saviya
I have crazy carrot and everbloom peachick, interested in either pygmy direhorn or ore eater. My tag is Saviya#1875 if you're interested in trading.


Posted: January 30th, 2015, 1:54 am
by Nicrooney
sent u friend request, i have couple pet interested in


Posted: January 30th, 2015, 9:58 pm
by Youkaiyume
would you do a son of animus for a crazy carrot?


Posted: February 1st, 2015, 9:27 pm
by Goldash
Updated the list, sorry no longer have a Syd the Squid or an Ore Eater. Will have a Crazy Carrot shortly and picked up a Peachick for 100g so dropped those aswell.

i'll try and add you soon Desi.

Ssparkles and Nic, will keep in contact, cheers.


Posted: February 2nd, 2015, 8:58 pm
by Desi
Thank you for the trade Goldash!


Posted: February 2nd, 2015, 9:22 pm
by Saviya
Can replace a bunch of your traded pets, if you'd be interested in them for Son of Animus please add me


Posted: February 2nd, 2015, 11:34 pm
by Xanthern
I have a nightshade and a ore eater add me Xanthern#1430


Posted: August 11th, 2015, 3:07 am
by Ssparkles
I have a spare Stinkrot for you


Posted: August 11th, 2015, 3:18 am
by Goldash
Cheers Ssparkles :)


Posted: August 11th, 2015, 4:10 am
by Tekulve2012
I have pets to trade or sell..

I also have upgrade stones if you need some pets turned rare ..I can do those for free but you'd have to make a level 1 toon on my realm ..after the upgrading, you could delete the toon.

Barthilas gold interests me..add me if you want to chat



Posted: August 11th, 2015, 7:07 am
by Sibi
Sent you a PM


Posted: August 11th, 2015, 10:07 pm
by Nomadd
I've got a few things you're looking for - add me on bnet nomadd#1518 - might be able to work something out.


Posted: August 11th, 2015, 10:48 pm
by Squishysib
I've got an extra Zangar Spore. Sibby#1950