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Anna's Trade list

Posted: October 16th, 2014, 1:50 pm
by Italianna
In the spirit of the new 600 unique pet achieve i went thru to see what i had extra of or what i needed
my btag is fleshiex#1621
i also have tons of little frogs /moths /and little things duplicated if u view my collection i just listed the ones i thought ppl may need for the same purpose ( the achieve)

aqua strider
ashstone core
lil' bling
macabre marionette x 2
mr wiggles
phoenix hatchling
toxic wasteling

ashleaf spriteling
droplet of y'shaarj
eye of the legion
festival lantern
fox kit
gooey sha-ling
gregarious grell
gunrak hatchling
gusting grimoire
jade crane chick
living fluid
living sandling
lunar lantern
nightsaber cub
son of aniumus
spineclaw crab
spectral porcupette
purple puffer
sand scarab
tiny blue carp
tiny red carp

Re: Anna's Trade list

Posted: October 16th, 2014, 2:47 pm
by Opteron
Hi Anna, I am pretty sure that creepy crate and jubling are not cageable therefore can not be traded.
I might be wrong so please double check :)

Re: Anna's Trade list

Posted: October 16th, 2014, 3:13 pm
by Italianna
thank you! i didnt notice that ;[