(US) WTT for Spectral Tiger Cub

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(US) WTT for Spectral Tiger Cub

Post by Kelushan » November 5th, 2014, 8:17 pm

I am willing to trade all these pets for a Spectral Tiger Cub:

1 lvl 25 Guardian cub
1 lvl 1 Ruby Droplet
1 lvl 1 <any darkmoon pet>
1 lvl 1 Aqua Strider
1 lvl 1 Skunky Alemental

Reply here or add my battletag if you wish to trade.

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Re: (US) WTT for Spectral Tiger Cub

Post by Kelushan » November 6th, 2014, 12:19 am

Also willing to add in one of the Halloween cats.

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