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Re: My Darkmoon Rabbit for your WoD pets!

Post by Faelar » December 9th, 2014, 3:58 pm

sent a friend request

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Re: My Darkmoon Rabbit for your WoD pets!

Post by Faelar » December 9th, 2014, 4:48 pm

hehe well I just listed pets I have, wasn't gonna trade ALL of them for a rabbit ;)

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Re: My Darkmoon Rabbit for your WoD pets!

Post by Faelar » December 9th, 2014, 5:33 pm

Just keep in mind darkmoon rabbits have fallen hard in prices in the past month as well, down to 24k on my realm for example.

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Re: My Darkmoon Rabbit for your WoD pets!

Post by Skadoo23 » December 9th, 2014, 5:56 pm

I'd be willing to trade my albino Chimaeraling p/p for your rabbit Tristan#1581

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Re: My Darkmoon Rabbit for your WoD pets!

Post by Jenhonu » December 9th, 2014, 7:05 pm

sent you a message :)
Last edited by Jenhonu on December 9th, 2014, 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My Darkmoon Rabbit for your WoD pets!

Post by Aerozia » December 10th, 2014, 5:34 am


A winning combination? Any one of the pets you listed would be an equal 1-1 trade. (Except for the Tcg pets, those have much much more value than the DMR.)

At the end of the day, the darkmoon rabbit is still obtainable, and you have the worst breed. I would hate to see someone get ripped off trading away multiple more valuable pets.

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Re: My Darkmoon Rabbit for your WoD pets!

Post by Faelar » December 10th, 2014, 2:22 pm

Aerozia wrote:Lolololololololol.

A winning combination? Any one of the pets you listed would be an equal 1-1 trade. (Except for the Tcg pets, those have much much more value than the DMR.)

At the end of the day, the darkmoon rabbit is still obtainable, and you have the worst breed. I would hate to see someone get ripped off trading away multiple more valuable pets.
I think a lot of people are really off when it comes to pricing pets, a good rule of thumb is using larger servers to get a feel for what pets are going for. Also keep in mind that TCG pets for the most part have all been hit by dupe waves in the past year. Hardly any TCG pet is worth over 15k anymore. Also darkmoon rabbits have been flooded on many auction houses and are sitting in the 20-25k range. Non-S/S rabbits just aren't worth 30k+.

The only reason I'm even bothering to list this type of information is because the OP put out some prices and then Aerozia is trying to claim what is worth what. It really isn't our place to spout off a bunch of prices and the worth of pets. It is really up to people trading if they want to trade X pets for Y pet.

https://theunderminejournal.com/#thrall/battlepet/848 scroll down to the bottom to the line graph and you can see what this pet is doing. The price is crashing because of a flood of H/S breeds, leading me to think it might have been duped along with the other pets that have been hit in the past year. B/B and S/S breeds are still normal but the price has crashed a bit in the past few weeks.

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Re: My Darkmoon Rabbit for your WoD pets!

Post by Sibi » December 10th, 2014, 2:46 pm

Undermine Journal is also a good place to find the current price of things on the AH of the person you are attempting to trade. The Median/Mean prices are useful as well.
Just because it's worth 1 price on your server doesn't mean it's that way on all of the servers and most traders may not be inclined to pay your server/personal worth for an item. Some people will trade high just to avoid farming. Some people won't.
We try to keep things pretty friendly around here, and for the most part that has succeeded.
If you're honestly looking to make trades, OP, you might want to edit that first post again. It's coming off as less than friendly.
As a for instance...the Eye of Observation you have listed as 5k is currently 9.9k on your server 4.5k on my server with 12/18k as the median and mean.
Your post comes off as if there is no room to negotiate price difference with you. That's a huge put off.
I'm not trying to be rude, just a friendly suggestion.

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