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WTT Azure Whelpling for an Emerald Whelpling
Posted: December 19th, 2014, 9:58 pm
by Noralily
Hello all! I am new to this collecting thing, and don't have as many pets compared to others, but I've had my eyes set on an Emerald Whelpling for quite some time. I happen to have two Azure Whelplings. Is there anyone willing to trade with me? I'm also new to the whole trade business. Do I create a new character on their realm? Thanks all!
Re: WTT Azure Whelpling for an Emerald Whelpling
Posted: December 19th, 2014, 10:05 pm
by Rusti
I don't have a whelp to offer you but I can answere your question. Once you and another member agree on a trade usually one or the other will make a toon in either the Human or Orc starting zone to meet the other trader. I usually request people to come to my server and make a level 1 orc when it's my trade post that the exchange is going through. If it is their trade post then I offer to be the one to travel to their server.
Re: WTT Azure Whelpling for an Emerald Whelpling
Posted: December 19th, 2014, 10:39 pm
by Aeribelle
I've got a spare Emerald sitting, I'd swap with ya (I'd rather farm emeralds then Azures if i want another!). You can add me Aeri24#1508, if your still interested.