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Rusti's Trades---Azure Whelp--Want Pet Leveling

Posted: January 1st, 2015, 6:57 pm
by Rusti

I've got a few pets for trade that I am hoping to trade for some I am missing. I know several on my list are worth far more than I have to offer and I am not expecting someone to offer them up.

Need to know:
:!: All values listed next to each pet are to guide trades and are determined by The Undermine Journal’s US median prices. I am not selling pets.
:!: Please post your BTAG with your offer. Random requests will be denied. Sorry.


Image [td]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/td] [td]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/td][list]
Pet Value
[*]Azure Whelpling 10,000
[*]Fiendish Imp ------ (P/B) 1,000
[*]Lesser Voidcaller ------ x2 ------ (B/B)&(H/P) 1,000 ------------- each

1k value for all but flying and critter.
[td]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/td] [td]~~~~~~~~~~~[/td][list]
Family Available
[*]Aquatic 1
[*]Critter 1
[*]Humanoid 3



I am willing to trade the above pets for pet leveling services.
  • 1 leveled pet = 1k value.
  • I prefer to just straight trade my non-level 25 pets for leveled versions of them.
  • If you have a strong presence on the forums to vouch for your trust-worthiness then I will be fine with tradeing the pets needing leveled to you to level.
  • I am not paying gold for this. I just want to add another option that benefits us both.
  • PLEASE use this list to pick what pets you would like to trade / level and NOT my profile. Some I have set aside from this list for a reason.
List of pets I need leveled here ------> ... 91#p101891


:!: If you offer a Zandalari Raptor and it is already level 25, add 1k to its value :!: [td]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/td] [td]~~~~~~~~~~~[/td][list]
Pet Trade Value
[*]Bananas 32,000
[*]Bone Wasp 9,000
[*]Land Shark 52,500
[*]Landro's Lichling 18,000
[*]Lil' Leftovers 10,000
[*]Netherspace Abyssal H/H 5,000
[*]Ore Eater 10,000
[*]Searing Scorchling 11,000
[*]Tuskarr Kite 32,000


Re: Rusti's Trade Thread

Posted: January 1st, 2015, 7:30 pm
by Rusti
I am willing to trade the above pets for pet leveling services.
  • Pet MUST be level 25
  • 1 leveled pet = 1k value.
  • I prefer to just straight trade my non-level 25 pets for leveled versions of them.
  • If you have a strong presence on the forums to vouch for your trustworthyness then I will be fine with tradeing the pets needing leveled to you to level.
  • I am not paying gold for this. I just want to add another option that benefits us both.
  • PLEASE use this list to pick what pets you would like to trade / level and NOT my profile. Some I have set aside from this list for a reason.


[td]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/td] [td]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/td][list]
[*] Ancona Chicken (P/B) [*] Pocket Reaver (P/P)
[*] Aqua Strider (P/P) [*] Porcupette
[*] Ashleaf Spriteling [*] Pterrordax Hatchling
[*] Bombay Cat [*] Pygmy Direhorn
[*] Brown Prairie Dog (H/B) [*] Ravasaur Hatchling
[*] Cornish Rex Cat [*] Razormaw Hatchling
[*] Darkmoon Cub (B/B) [*] Razzashi Hatchling
[*] Dragon Kite [*] Red Dragonhawk Hatchling (S/S)
[*] Droplet of Y'Shaarj (P/S) [*] Rocket Chicken
[*] Egbert [*] Rustberg Gull (B/B)
[*] Filthling (B/B) [*] Sand Scarab
[*] Firefly (S/S) [*] Sentinel's Companion
[*] Fishy [*] Siamese Cat
[*] Frigid Frostling [*] Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling (S/S)
[*] Frostwolf Ghostpup [*] Silver Tabby Cat
[*] Frostwolf Pup [*] Sinister Squashling
[*] Fruit Hunter [*] Sky Fry
[*] Ghostly Skull (H/P) [*] Sky-Bo (P/P)
[*] Giant Bone Spider [*] Snowshoe Rabbit (S/B)
[*] Giant Sewer Rat [*] Snowy Panda
[*] Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling (S/S) [*] Son of Animus
[*] Green Wing Macaw [*] Son of Sethe
[*] Gregarious Grell [*] Soul of the Forge
[*] Grinder [*] Spawn of G'nathus
[*] Gu'chi Swarmling (H/H) [*] Spectral Porcupette
[*] Gundrak Hatchling [*] Speedy
[*] Gusting Grimoire [*] Spineclaw Crab (H/H)
[*] Hippogryph Hatchling [*] Spirit of Summer
[*] Hyacinth Macaw [*] Spring Rabbit
[*] Hydraling [*] Stonegrinder
[*] Ikky [*] Strand Crawler
[*] Imperial Silkworm [*] Sunfur Panda
[*] Jade Crane Chick (H/B) [*] Sun Sproutling (H/B)
[*] Jade Owl (P/S) [*] Tainted Waveling (H/B)
[*] Ji-Kun Hatchling (P/B) [*] Tideskipper (H/P)
[*] Lanticore Spawnling [*] Tiny Blue Carp
[*] Leaping Hatchling [*] Tiny Goldfish
[*] Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar (P/P) [*] Tiny Green Carp
[*] Lifelike Toad [*] Tiny Red Carp
[*] Lil' Smoky [*] Tiny Shale Spider
[*] Lumpy [*] Tiny Snowman
[*] Lunar Lantern [*] Tiny Sporebat (B/B)
[*] Macabre Marionette [*] Toothy
[*] Magic Lamp [*] Toxic Wasteling
[*] Mana Wyrmling (B/B) [*] Tree Frog
[*] Mechanical Axebeak (H/P) [*] Umbrafen Spore
[*] Mechanical Scorpid (P/B) [*] Undercity Cockroach (H/H)
[*] Mechanical Squirrel [*] Untamed Hatchling
[*] Mojo [*] Veilwatcher Hatchling
[*] Mountain Panda [*] Vengeful Porcupette
[*] Mr. Wiggles [*] Viscidus Globule
[*] Muckbreath [*] Voodoo Figurine
[*] Nether Ray Fry (B/B) [*] Whiskers the Rat
[*] Nightsaber Cub [*] White Kitten
[*] Nightshade Sproutling (P/S) [*] White Tickbird Hatchling (S/S)
[*] Obsidian Hatchling [*] Widget the Departed
[*] Orange Tabby Cat [*] Willy
[*] Peanut [*] Winter's Little Helper
[*] Peddlefeet [*] Winterspring Cub
[*] Pengu [*] Wolpertinger
[*] Pet Bombling [*] Wood Frog
[*] Pierre [*] Zomstrok
[*] Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm [*]

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 1:54 pm
by Rusti

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 3:18 pm
by Darolyn
Rusti, let's talk. I have the Coilfang Stalker, a Sun Sproutling, and I'm sure I can come up with something else off your list. I'm looking at your Widget, Cursed Birman, Fiendish Imp, and Menagerie Custodian, or some combination.

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 3:29 pm
by Rusti
Alright let me finish sorting through my characters banks and then I'll catch you. They are starting to get cluttered and messy and it's making me crazy. :)

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 3:46 pm
by Kandace
Would you be interested in trading a $12.50 blizz store mount for an eye of observation + sun sproutling?
kandace #1519


Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 3:52 pm
by Rusti
Kandace wrote:Would you be interested in trading a $12.50 blizz store mount for an eye of observation + sun sproutling?
kandace #1519

I'll be doing a trade with Darolyn for the Sun sprout. I know all the other pets on my list would make the trade heavy on your side, would you happen to have a few stones to go with the eye?

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 3:57 pm
by Kandace
I could add a coilfang stalker instead of the sproutling if you want? Or if you'd rather the stones, I'm pretty sure I have enough pet charms to buy a couple of marked flawless stones.

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 3:58 pm
by Rusti
Kandace wrote:I could add a coilfang stalker instead of the sproutling if you want? Or if you'd rather the stones, I'm pretty sure I have enough pet charms to buy a couple of marked flawless stones.
It would have to be stones. Daro is trading me the stalker as well and they are the only 2 pets on my list that would work for balancing. I'll add you and we can discuss it in game.

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 3:59 pm
by Kandace
ok, I should be online within the next 1/2 hour or so. See you in game :)

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 4:18 pm
by Rusti
Gotta run to the store real fast. IF I am not on when you pop on, I promise I will be right back. It should be a short trip

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 4:25 pm
by Darolyn
I won't be on until the evening, Rusti, just as a heads' up, but I'm sure I'll see you. :)

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 5:02 pm
by Rusti
Darolyn wrote:I won't be on until the evening, Rusti, just as a heads' up, but I'm sure I'll see you. :)
Totally fine. I'll mark things for hold and pending :)

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 5:59 pm
by Peanutty
I'm interested in a Frostwolf Pup in exchange for some pet stoning, I'll send a friend invite to discuss.

EDIT: Fantastic trade! It was a real pleasure getting to chat as well. :)

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 6:16 pm
by Rusti
Thank you for the trade PB! So nice to have some more of my pets set to rare!

Re: Rusti's Trade Thread - store stuff / gametime UFT

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 7:01 pm
by Rusti
Thank you Kandace! It's nice to get a few more flyers stoned as well as another pet off my needed list! You guys are rocking my world today!

Re: Rusti's Trades - Have Rep pets, need stones!

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 9:03 pm
by Rusti
Got a few more stones and finished off my Aquatic pets. Still lots more up for trade!

Re: Rusti's Trades - Have Rep pets, need stones!

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 10:48 pm
by Darolyn
Thanks Rusti! Awesome as ever! :)

Re: Rusti's Trades - Have Rep pets, need stones!

Posted: January 2nd, 2015, 10:50 pm
by Rusti
And thank you so very much Darolyn. It's nice to finally have that Stalker and almost all of the carps now!

EDIT: I think that was the last menagerie pet i needed too...

Re: Rusti's Trades - Have Rep pets, need stones!

Posted: January 3rd, 2015, 2:03 am
by Wakamaru
Hey Rusti! Guess who :P I'm interested in your Elwynn Lamb & Tirisfal Batling for a RL buddy that has just been bitten by the pet battle bug. I have a Pierre available for trade if you are still needing one. You know where to find me :)