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(US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: January 1st, 2015, 8:09 pm
by Xugos
You are viewing Xugie's pet store, please feel free to look over what I may have and want. If you don't see something please ask I may find it on the AH for a fair price and help you out. My BneT is andersm#1957.
  • Wants

    Bone Wasp

    "Seasonal/Holiday/World Events"
    Bush Chicken (Cageable?...) (Thanksgiving)
    Blazing Cindercrawler (Summer)
    Stout Alemental (Brewfest)
    Rotten little Helper
    Darkmoon Eye
    Darkmoon Rabit Hot Item

    Crawling Claw (Tentative)
    Land Shark
    Nightshade Sproutling
    Ore Eater
    Sea Calf

    Eye Of Observation
    Hatespark the Tiny (Hot item)
    Lanticore Spawling
    Syd the Squid
    Viscous Horror Hot Item!

    "Trading Card Game" "Not really fussed on getting these honestly"
    Dragon Kite
    Ethereal Soul-Trader
    Eye of the Legion
    Gregarious Grell
    Gusting Grimoire
    Hippogryph Hatchling
    Landro's Lichling
    Nightsaber Cub
    Rocket Chicken
    Sand Scarab
    Spectral Tiger Cub
    Tuskarr Kite
Any Promotional pets I.E collectors edition or Blizzcon pets.
  • Trade
    Ashleaf Spriteling P/B
    Gilnean Raven rare S/S
    Jadefire Spirit
    Dandelion Frolicker P/S
    Durotar Scorpion
    Fiendish Imp
    Fox Kit
    Fungal Abomination
    Jademist Dancer B/B
    Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar S/S
    Lil' Bad Wolf P/S
    Lil' Bling (Stoned)
    Mechanical Axebreaker (cant't promise on breed)
    Mechanical Scorpid (can't promise on breed)
    Pandaren Air Spirit
    Pandaren Water Spirit
    Skunky Alemental
    Spawn of G'nathus
    Spineclaw H/H
    Sun Sproutling P/S
    Any Blizzard store pet
I will do leveling services for pets aswell. Just PM what pet or pets it is you would like leveled, this only would include pets that are cage able. (Any profession pets please check with me if I have the mats to make them or not.)

Also will consider Store mounts and or Bnet credit.

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: January 3rd, 2015, 11:19 pm
by Saviya
thanks for the quick trade! :D

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: January 4th, 2015, 11:06 am
by Flaya
Trade ya a darkmoon eye for a spineclaw.

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: January 4th, 2015, 11:18 am
by Xugos
I can arrange that. just find me later on this afternoon.

Real ID andersm#1957

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: January 6th, 2015, 12:34 am
by Xugos
Friend did not want to do the trade I guess.

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: January 6th, 2015, 1:11 am
by Sibi
PM'd you. (Check the email you used to register your WCP account)

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: January 9th, 2015, 3:33 pm
by Xugos
Updated my list.

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: January 9th, 2015, 3:39 pm
by Therenegade
Would you trade a Spineclaw for Syd?

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: January 9th, 2015, 3:44 pm
by Xugos
Sure would.

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: January 9th, 2015, 4:06 pm
by Therenegade
Just did a Trade with Xugo's, nice and smooth. Look forward to future trades!

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: June 17th, 2015, 2:16 pm
by Xugos
Back from break. List updated and ready to trade.

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: June 18th, 2015, 11:38 am
by Artemis
would you trade a store pet for syd?

Re: (US) Xugos's Trade Thread.

Posted: June 18th, 2015, 9:21 pm
by Saviya
I have bone wasp, ethereal soul-trader, nightsaber cub and landros lichling. can buy most of the other tcg pets on my ah. looking for bnet to get starcraft stuff while it's on sale. If you're interested in working out something please add me Saviya#1875