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WTT Hatesparks+more, offers pls

Posted: January 17th, 2015, 4:27 am
by Leiksyn
As of right now I have 7 Hatesparks, 2 Landro's Lichling (TCG), Lil' Leftovers (lvl 25), Servant of Demidos (stoned), Eye of Observation, and Draenei Micro Defender. Offer on here and I'll let you know if I will accept it for trade. For the Hatesparks I prefer bnet balance cards (maybe multiple) like 2 $20 or a $50 (if they exist, I've only seen $20 in stores before). I will update this occasionally every day.

Edit: I forgot to add my bnet tag, its JaredS#1889

Re: WTT Hatesparks+more, offers pls

Posted: January 17th, 2015, 10:26 am
by Foxxi
I'd be interested in a Hatespark, and willing to trade game time for it. my Bnet tag is: FoxxiMcLeod#1937