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WTT Guardian Cub for Argi/Reaver Bundle

Posted: March 14th, 2015, 12:38 am
by Skadoo23
Since they're giftable now, I'm looking to trade my Guardian Cub pet for a Argi/Reaver bundle from the bnet store.

Re: WTT Guardian Cub for Argi/Reaver Bundle

Posted: March 20th, 2015, 12:12 am
by Skadoo23
Have lots of other pets that I can add to this trade, feel free to add me in game to discuss a possible trade or check out my pets for doubles that you're interested in Tristan#1581.

Re: WTT Guardian Cub for Argi/Reaver Bundle

Posted: April 23rd, 2015, 5:57 pm
by Durothar
I know this is old, but are you still looking to trade? I'd be interested in trading Guardian Cub for an Argi/Reaver gift bundle.