<US> WTT for Crawling Claw
Posted: April 8th, 2015, 8:44 pm
Just 1 pet left for my collection help me out if you can!!
Looking for:
Crawling Claw (Tol'Vir acrhaeology hates me)
Eye of Observation (Draenor Shattrath Rare drop)
Grunty (Blizzcon 2009)
Have available to trade:
Albino Chimaerling (P/S x3 all rare)
Feline Familiar
Firewing (H/B, P/B)
Macabre Marionette (uncommon, x5, 2 flawless upgrade stone available)
Leviathan Hatchling (H/P, P/B)
Lovebird Hatchling (unused item x2)
Pandaren Air Spirit
Pandaren Fire Spirit (x2)
Razzashi Hatchling (unused item x2)
Stinkrot (P/B, H/B)
Sun Sproutling (H/S, B/B, H/H, P/B) (H/H+P/B listed as not avail on WoWhead but the L1 stats match those breeds)
Sunfire Kaliri
Weebomination (x2)
Wretched Servant
Young Talbuk (H/H x2. H/S x1)
WoD Faction pets
Arakkoa - Son of Seethe
Frostwolf Orcs - Frostwolf Pup
Laughing Skull Orcs - Bone Wasp
Steamwheedle Preservation Society - Albino River Calf, Forest Sproutling
Crafted Pets:
Soul of the Forge (Black Smithing)
Enchanted Lantern (Horde Side) (Enchanting)
Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar (Engineering)
Mechanical Axebeak (Engineering)
Mechanical Scorpid (Engineering)
Chi-ji Kite (Inscription)
Yu-lon Kite (Inscription)
Jade Owl (Jewel Crafting)
Sapphire Cub (Jewel Crafting)
Elekk Plushie (Tailoring)
I have the recipes for pre-WoD engineering pets but not the mats on hand (i.e. daily cooldown mats for the MoP pets) I can make arrangements to make them but will need the just over 2 weeks to make the CD mats (most take 15 of the daily mats each).
Darkmoon Fair Ticket Pets (while Fair is in town)- Up to four (4) of the ticket trade-in pets.
Battle Pet Leveling Stones:
80 Dragonkin
50 Humanoid
Message Lunarus-Azgalor or B-tag Lunaprince#1196 (include a pet trade message).
Horde Character on Azgalor (Azshara, Destromath, Thunderlord)
Low level allies on Dragonmaw (Akama, Mug'Thol) and Nazgrel (Vek'Nilash, Nesingwary)
Currently 705 of 707 that I can get, 705/713 avail on US servers
Looking for:
Crawling Claw (Tol'Vir acrhaeology hates me)
Eye of Observation (Draenor Shattrath Rare drop)
Grunty (Blizzcon 2009)
Have available to trade:
Albino Chimaerling (P/S x3 all rare)
Feline Familiar
Firewing (H/B, P/B)
Macabre Marionette (uncommon, x5, 2 flawless upgrade stone available)
Leviathan Hatchling (H/P, P/B)
Lovebird Hatchling (unused item x2)
Pandaren Air Spirit
Pandaren Fire Spirit (x2)
Razzashi Hatchling (unused item x2)
Stinkrot (P/B, H/B)
Sun Sproutling (H/S, B/B, H/H, P/B) (H/H+P/B listed as not avail on WoWhead but the L1 stats match those breeds)
Sunfire Kaliri
Weebomination (x2)
Wretched Servant
Young Talbuk (H/H x2. H/S x1)
WoD Faction pets
Arakkoa - Son of Seethe
Frostwolf Orcs - Frostwolf Pup
Laughing Skull Orcs - Bone Wasp
Steamwheedle Preservation Society - Albino River Calf, Forest Sproutling
Crafted Pets:
Soul of the Forge (Black Smithing)
Enchanted Lantern (Horde Side) (Enchanting)
Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar (Engineering)
Mechanical Axebeak (Engineering)
Mechanical Scorpid (Engineering)
Chi-ji Kite (Inscription)
Yu-lon Kite (Inscription)
Jade Owl (Jewel Crafting)
Sapphire Cub (Jewel Crafting)
Elekk Plushie (Tailoring)
I have the recipes for pre-WoD engineering pets but not the mats on hand (i.e. daily cooldown mats for the MoP pets) I can make arrangements to make them but will need the just over 2 weeks to make the CD mats (most take 15 of the daily mats each).
Darkmoon Fair Ticket Pets (while Fair is in town)- Up to four (4) of the ticket trade-in pets.
Battle Pet Leveling Stones:
80 Dragonkin
50 Humanoid
Message Lunarus-Azgalor or B-tag Lunaprince#1196 (include a pet trade message).
Horde Character on Azgalor (Azshara, Destromath, Thunderlord)
Low level allies on Dragonmaw (Akama, Mug'Thol) and Nazgrel (Vek'Nilash, Nesingwary)
Currently 705 of 707 that I can get, 705/713 avail on US servers