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<US> WTT for Crawling Claw

Posted: April 8th, 2015, 8:44 pm
by Lunaprince2
Just 1 pet left for my collection help me out if you can!!

Looking for:
Crawling Claw (Tol'Vir acrhaeology hates me)
Eye of Observation (Draenor Shattrath Rare drop)
Grunty (Blizzcon 2009)

Have available to trade:

Albino Chimaerling (P/S x3 all rare)
Feline Familiar
Firewing (H/B, P/B)
Macabre Marionette (uncommon, x5, 2 flawless upgrade stone available)
Leviathan Hatchling (H/P, P/B)
Lovebird Hatchling (unused item x2)
Pandaren Air Spirit
Pandaren Fire Spirit (x2)
Razzashi Hatchling (unused item x2)
Stinkrot (P/B, H/B)
Sun Sproutling (H/S, B/B, H/H, P/B) (H/H+P/B listed as not avail on WoWhead but the L1 stats match those breeds)
Sunfire Kaliri
Weebomination (x2)
Wretched Servant
Young Talbuk (H/H x2. H/S x1)

WoD Faction pets

Arakkoa - Son of Seethe
Frostwolf Orcs - Frostwolf Pup
Laughing Skull Orcs - Bone Wasp
Steamwheedle Preservation Society - Albino River Calf, Forest Sproutling

Crafted Pets:
Soul of the Forge (Black Smithing)
Enchanted Lantern (Horde Side) (Enchanting)
Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar (Engineering)
Mechanical Axebeak (Engineering)
Mechanical Scorpid (Engineering)
Chi-ji Kite (Inscription)
Yu-lon Kite (Inscription)
Jade Owl (Jewel Crafting)
Sapphire Cub (Jewel Crafting)
Elekk Plushie (Tailoring)

I have the recipes for pre-WoD engineering pets but not the mats on hand (i.e. daily cooldown mats for the MoP pets) I can make arrangements to make them but will need the just over 2 weeks to make the CD mats (most take 15 of the daily mats each).

Darkmoon Fair Ticket Pets (while Fair is in town)- Up to four (4) of the ticket trade-in pets.

Battle Pet Leveling Stones:
80 Dragonkin
50 Humanoid

Message Lunarus-Azgalor or B-tag Lunaprince#1196 (include a pet trade message).

Horde Character on Azgalor (Azshara, Destromath, Thunderlord)

Low level allies on Dragonmaw (Akama, Mug'Thol) and Nazgrel (Vek'Nilash, Nesingwary)

Currently 705 of 707 that I can get, 705/713 avail on US servers

Re: <US> WTT for 2 Pets (Crawling Claw, Eye of Observation)

Posted: April 11th, 2015, 12:13 am
by Lunaprince2
Added WoD faction pets I can purchase to trade. Also the number of Darkmoon prize ticket pets I can purchase to trade (2 days left!). Usually online from 12am -3am Eastern (US) time Fri-Tues, most of the day Wed/Thur.

Re: <US> WTT for 2 Pets (Crawling Claw, Eye of Observation)

Posted: April 15th, 2015, 1:35 am
by Tesla1893
Thanks for the quick and easy trade!

Re: <US> WTT for Crawling Claw

Posted: April 15th, 2015, 1:40 am
by Lunaprince2
Just found out my friends list was full so I wasn't getting any B-Tag requests. Still need the Crawling Claw to complete my collection.

Re: <US> WTT for Crawling Claw

Posted: April 16th, 2015, 5:49 pm
by Lunaprince2
Add new Available Pets

Re: <US> WTT for Crawling Claw

Posted: April 21st, 2015, 10:27 am
by Lunaprince2
Bump-date added new pets to list

Re: <US> WTT for Crawling Claw

Posted: April 27th, 2015, 4:39 pm
by Lunaprince2
minor update

Re: <US> WTT for Crawling Claw

Posted: April 30th, 2015, 8:05 pm
by Lunaprince2
Somebody way under-priced a Grunty on eBay Just the crawling claw left to go!! Please help me complete my collection!! added a Crafted Pet section to the opening.

Re: <US> WTT for Crawling Claw

Posted: May 13th, 2015, 4:32 am
by Lunaprince2
Update pet list again

Re: <US> WTT for Crawling Claw

Posted: May 21st, 2015, 7:12 pm
by Lunaprince2
added more trading pets to the list

Re: <US> WTT for Crawling Claw

Posted: May 30th, 2015, 11:44 pm
by Lunaprince2
update pet list, add surplus leveling stones (Dragonkin, Humanoid) avail to trade. Just finished leveling all my undead pets so will have those leveling stones start to pile up also.