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(US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: April 13th, 2015, 11:52 am
by Diva
Hello Grand Adventurers and Pet Collectors!

I'm looking for these:
[pet]Rocket Chicken[/pet]
[pet]Tuskarr Kite[/pet]
[pet]Dragon Kite[/pet]
[pet]Ethereal Soul-Trader[/pet]
[pet]Gusting Grimoire[/pet]
[pet]Droplet of Y'Shaarj[/pet]
[pet]Spineclaw Crab[/pet]
[pet]Knockoff Blingtron[/pet]
[pet]Thistleleaf Adventurer[/pet]
[pet]Wonderous Wisdomball[/pet]
[pet]Cavern Moccasin[/pet]
[pet]Celestial Calf[/pet]
[pet]Everliving Spore[/pet]
[pet]Sun Darter Hatchling[/pet]
[pet]Wyrmy Tunkins[/pet]
[pet]Rebellious Imp[/pet]

I have these to trade:
-------------------Raiding for Leashes-------------------

[pet]Jademist Dancer[/pet] Rare - B/B - Level 1
[pet]Pandaren Air Spirit[/pet] Rare - B/B - Level 1
[pet]Untethered Wyrmling[/pet] Rare - P/P - Level 1
[pet]Skyhorn Nestling[/pet] Uncommon - P/B - Level 1

2x [pet]Father Winter's Helper[/pet] Uncommon - B/B - Level 1
2x [pet]Winter's Little Helper[/pet] Uncommon - B/B - Level 1
5x [pet]Tiny Snowman[/pet] Uncommon - B/B - Level 1
3x [pet]Winter Reindeer[/pet] Uncommon - B/B - Level 1



1x Dragonkin
1x Humanoid

-------------------Pet Related Items-------------------
Unscratched Papa Hummel's Pet Biscuits card. Can discuss the value if someone is wanting the code from the card to use.

30k - Madoran Horde

If you need any of these or will be willing to take any of these, I'd be willing to trade for equal value pets as well or multiples for something greater. I will also level up anything on my list of tradeables to a requested level to sweeten any deal before making the trade. (This of course means you would have to give me a little time to level them.)

Contact me here or in game please if you're interested: Doomcookie#1413 or Doomcookie on Madoran-Horde.

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: April 13th, 2015, 1:44 pm
by Boshea
Interested in Ruby Droplet, and White carp. Can get Land Shark, Sea Calf, and Sky Fry.

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: April 13th, 2015, 2:03 pm
by Diva
As I am already fishing up lunkers for coins and the droprate has gotten better on them, the Land Shark and Sea Calf are at the bottom of my "to get" list at the moment. I'd rather get my hands on some of the harder to get pets right now. =\

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: April 13th, 2015, 6:23 pm
by Tahsfenz
I got an extra talbuk, Chaos Pup and possibly grotesque

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: April 13th, 2015, 10:40 pm
by Diva
What would you need Tahsfenz?

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: April 14th, 2015, 6:10 pm
by Tahsfenz
Diva wrote:What would you need Tahsfenz?
I don't think you have anything on my want list, but possibly my wife's. If not, I'm sure we can figure something out. I'll check when I get home. We can talk in game about it.

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: April 15th, 2015, 3:04 am
by Tesla1893
I've got an extra chaos pup, grotesque and stinkrot. Interested in your ruby droplet. Also might be able to get an extra Slithershock elver if need be.


Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: April 15th, 2015, 3:20 pm
by Mclubs
id like tiny white carp Cuauhtemoc#1564

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: July 14th, 2015, 10:52 am
by Diva
None of the trades ever went through, lack of adding Btags and such on both ends.

And then I took a Hiatus. I'm in the process of moving so I have spotty amounts of time to be on, If you're interested in a trade, please add my btag and talk to me! I have hearthstone on my phone so I hop onto it periodically and might be able to catch you, if not I'll be checking after work today. :)

I also have 25k gold atm on Madoran - Horde, would Really like to get my hands on the Spineclaw Crab or Droplet of Y'Sharrj.

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: July 14th, 2015, 2:29 pm
by Boshea
Fel Pup is pretty easy to get. Killing Ceraxas at the Temple of Sha'naar automatically gives the quest to get one. Just go to her spawn point and server hop with LFG until you find her.

I can help you with a few of those for the Ruby Droplet
-Land Shark
-Periwinkle Calf
-Zangar Spore

Already have your tag, so I'll try to grab you next time you're online.

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: July 14th, 2015, 5:14 pm
by Talisman
I can offer you the following from your want list for Ruby Droplet:

Nightmare Bell (lvl 25)
Grotesque (lvl 25)
Seaborne Spore (lvl 10)
Bloodthorn Hatchling (lvl 1)

If interested let me know, my btag is ltlpickles#1247

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: July 14th, 2015, 6:41 pm
by Daniekir
I'm interested in your [url=]Tiny White Carp[/url].

From your wanted list, I would be willing to offer:
[url=]Bloodthorn Hatchling[/url]
[url=]Glowing Sporebat[/url]
[url=]Lost Netherpup[/url]
[url=]Periwinkle Calf[/url]
[url=]Zangar Spore[/url]

My Btag is daniekir#1209, add me if you are interested in working something out.

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: July 14th, 2015, 6:47 pm
by Diva
sent a request on bnet to talisman and daniekir to discuss things. :)

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: July 14th, 2015, 7:00 pm
by Diva
Thank you Daniekir for a quick and easy trade! I love my new pup sooo much!

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: July 15th, 2015, 6:06 am
by Talisman
Accepted your request, looking forward to talking. One thing, I mistakenly offered one pet I forgot I traded away already, I don't have Grotesque for trade but I could replace it with Dusty Sporewing (lvl 15) if still interested. I'll look for you in game, thanks.

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: July 19th, 2015, 6:56 pm
by Talisman
We keep missing each other in game so hopefully you see this post. I got your message about the move but as luck would have it Garnia dropped the Ruby Droplet for me 2 days ago, so I don't need it now, sorry.
GL with the trades and hopefully we can do one another time.

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: August 14th, 2015, 9:23 am
by Diva
Alright, so between moving and a dead power supply... i finally just got my macbook to load WoW instead of dealing with my broken down tower. SO i'm operational again. Ruby Droplet is still available, and i have added a second Disgusting Oozeling and a Shard of C---whatever. lol.

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: August 14th, 2015, 5:22 pm
by Talisman
Let me know if you still need Grotesque, I have one for trade now. Also have Bloodthorn Hatchling and Glowing Sporebat if still needed. All the pets are level 25 btw.

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: August 14th, 2015, 7:46 pm
by Diva
I sent a message but it appears as always you're not there when I am. /cryinglaughter

Re: (US) Doomcookie's Petshop

Posted: August 15th, 2015, 10:57 am
by Diva
1 Disgusting Oozeling and the Skunky Alemental are currently on hold until Sunday night for a possible trade. Everything else, available. Added yet another Young Talbuk.