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Kats Pet Leveling Service

Posted: April 25th, 2015, 9:27 am
by Katnipssc
Hey everyone!

Well, I did it. I finally got all of my pets to level 25, and until 6.2 hits I'm pretty much done. I'll still be doing my Warlords tamer battles every day though, so I figured why not help out someone else trying to level up their own collection?

I'm offering a free 1-25 leveling of one pet each day. I can only do one pet a day though, since I'm only doing the Warlords tamers on my main account. So it would be first come first serve. I figure I'll just go by replies here in this thread.

If you want a pet leveled up, make a post here, I'll get back to you as soon as possible and we can arrange the service.

If you want to message me in game about the leveling service, feel free to add my BattleTag: VeritaNostra#1673

Until later, WCP! <3