LF Tiny Red Carp, Viscous Horror,et al. + WTB bnet balance
Posted: June 2nd, 2015, 8:27 am
Hi there.
I am looking for a few pets for myself. I'm just going to list them all in no particular order. I can give gold on Blackhand, or I can try to buy other pets to trade, so just let me know what you want and I will see if I can get it! I know I have one spare Lil' Leftovers and maybe a few others.
Tiny Red Carp
Droplet of Y'Shaarj
Viscous Horror
Rocket Chicken
Stout Alemental
Also, a friend of mine is trying to get some bnet balance cards to buy a gift for his wife. He is willing to buy whatever pets he can and trade them. He needs four cards. Sadly the land shark and sea calf are out of reach unless you are on Tanaris, because he doesn't have the rep to learn them.
Feel free to contact me in game at Liadain#1245, or just answer me here.
I am looking for a few pets for myself. I'm just going to list them all in no particular order. I can give gold on Blackhand, or I can try to buy other pets to trade, so just let me know what you want and I will see if I can get it! I know I have one spare Lil' Leftovers and maybe a few others.
Tiny Red Carp
Droplet of Y'Shaarj
Viscous Horror
Rocket Chicken
Stout Alemental
Also, a friend of mine is trying to get some bnet balance cards to buy a gift for his wife. He is willing to buy whatever pets he can and trade them. He needs four cards. Sadly the land shark and sea calf are out of reach unless you are on Tanaris, because he doesn't have the rep to learn them.
Feel free to contact me in game at Liadain#1245, or just answer me here.