I'm looking for a Nightsaber Cub and a Purple Puffer,
I can offer the following TCG pets
Rocket Chicken x2
Ethereal Soul-Trader x2
Hippogryph Hatchling
Tuskarr Kite x2
Landro's Lil' XT
Other pets available for trade. You can offer any other pet I do not have in my collection: http://www.warcraftpets.com/account/profiles/Nerthel/
Hatespark the Tiny
Spectral Tiger Cub
Darkmoon Rabbit (H/S)
Blackfuse Bombling (H/P)
Kovok (H/S)
Droplet of Y'Shaarj (P/S)
Gilnean Raven (P/S)
Gooey Sha-Ling x2 (P/P and S/S)
Sea Calf
Living Fluid
Corrupted Nest Guardian x2
Living Sandling x2 (P/B)
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