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(US) Darolyn's Trade List - Updated for Legion!

Posted: November 6th, 2015, 12:13 pm
by Darolyn
Hello friends!

Updating for Legion - Got all my TCG's except the Nightsaber Cub...I traded for one of these last year, but went first with a real money trade, and never got my cub, and have actually forgotten who it was I was trading with, so I'm still looking for one.

Currently looking for:

[pet]Crawling Claw[/pet]
[pet]Spineclaw Crab[/pet]
[pet]Nightsaber Cub[/pet]
[pet]Thistleleaf Adventurer[/pet]
[pet]Soulbroken Whelpling[/pet]

What I have to offer: (all somewhere between level 1 and 24 and original rarity unless otherwise specified, but can be leveled/rarified if necessary)

[pet]Wicked Soul[/pet] (P/S)
[pet]Dreadmaw[/pet] X 2
[pet]Winter Rageling[/pet]
[pet]Blood Boil[/pet] Not sure which breed.
[pet]Sanctum Cub[/pet] (H/P)

[pet]Snobold Runt[/pet] (P/S)

[pet]Hungering Claw[/pet]

[pet]Gusting Grimoire[/pet]
[pet]Shore Crawler[/pet] x 3 (Goblin Racial Pet...I THINK that's the right name..)
[pet]Lil' Leftovers[/pet] x 2
[pet]Gooey Sha'ling[/pet]
[pet]Lanticore Spawnling[/pet]
[pet]Bush Chicken[/pet] x 2
One of each of the Nagrand Manafiends
[pet]Blazing Firehawk[/pet] x 2
[pet]Zangar Spore[/pet]
[pet]Magical Crawdad[/pet]
[pet]Lunar Lantern[/pet]
[pet]Dandelion Frolicker[/pet] x 2
[pet]Servant of Demidos[/pet] x 2
[pet]Bronze Whelpling[/pet] - Level 15 P/P
[pet]Direhorn Runt[/pet] x 3
Any Zandalari Raptor, probably any breed, most of these are higher than level 1, I can get what you need.
I can get Spectral Porcupettes, just gotta go buy them, have bones
A billion Iron Starlettes - any breed you need except H/H
All Menagerie Pets including Erris' drops
Can make blacksmithing and engineering pets
Can make Elekk plushies

I also have a TON of caged pets on a bank toon, including a Sky-Bo, and a bunch of others, so if what you want isn't listed here, ask me.

Battle Stones for tradable pets.


Sack of Spectral Spiders
Decahedral Dice
Worn Troll Dice
Coin of Many Faces
Can make engineering mounts/tailoring mounts/jewelcrafting mounts but may need time to gather mats.

Add me to b'net, and let's talk. Despite I have no problem going first, though I feel at this point I've done enough successful trades involving real money to not have that be an issue.


Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: November 19th, 2015, 5:57 am
by Darolyn
Edited list of wanted and available pets.

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: December 4th, 2015, 12:52 pm
by Darolyn
Added giftable store pets and battle chests to the list, also edited lists of wanted and available pets.

Would LOVE to do some trading while Brightpaw money is going to charity. :)

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: December 4th, 2015, 7:11 pm
by Lordblacknail
I sent you a friend request, I think we can do some trades.

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: December 4th, 2015, 7:17 pm
by Charlott
Heya, I sent ya a friend request and PM as well.

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: December 4th, 2015, 8:14 pm
by Kiella
I'd definitely be interested in a Brightpaw trade and possibly a couple battlechests as well. I sent you a friend request and should be around on and off this weekend. Thanks!

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: December 5th, 2015, 1:23 am
by Saviya
Thanks so much Daro! Another super easy trade :D

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: December 8th, 2015, 12:14 am
by Xanthern
I may be able to help Xanthern#1430

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: December 8th, 2015, 10:34 am
by Darolyn
I've been kinda out of the loop for the past three days (taking the LSAT will do that to you), but should be up and running regularly again by Thursday. Sorry to anyone who has PMed or msged me in game the past few days...I fell asleep at the keyboard three times last night before giving up on even menagerie dailies.

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: December 8th, 2015, 3:20 pm
by Sibi
I think I sent you a PM a few days ago...the email you used to register your WCP account, I have some of the pets you are missing and may be able to acquire others. Wanted to discuss your S/S Raven and such

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: December 8th, 2015, 7:26 pm
by Darolyn
Update for the afternoon/evening:

My partner is at the hospital emergency room, I have to go get him after I get off work, so I do NOT believe I will be around tonight. Thursday for SURE, if not tomorrow.

Sorry guys, but the love of my life comes first! (Or at least he has to believe he does...because if he knew I were considering leaving him at the hospital while I went home to play WoW, he'd probably disown me)

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: December 25th, 2015, 8:50 am
by Darolyn
Merry Christmas, everyone! I've done some successful trades, including a whole bunch of store pets for a Rocket Chicken and Dragon Kite, so I'm updating my trade list. I'm pretty much down to needing raid pets at the moment. Would love to make some deals!

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: January 8th, 2016, 4:58 pm
by Dspetman
I have a son of animus available , add me tigglez#1991

Re: Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: February 2nd, 2016, 2:30 pm
by Darolyn
I'm sorry if I didn't get back to people who were interested in trades. It's been a rough 6 weeks or so. But I'm fairly available now.

I have a ton of pet charms, now that all my main pets are rare. ( I will probably start making duplicates that I got for specific skins rare at some point, but not yet)

I'm willing to buy stones to make your pets rare in exchange for gold on any server I have an active toon on, or even to sweeten the deal on a pet trade.

I have more pets to trade that I will be adding to my list, but wanted to toss out this option as well.

Hope to see you all around!


Re: (US) Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: February 2nd, 2016, 10:36 pm
by Auryona
Thank you for the quick and easy trade, Darolyn! Enjoy your new pets :)

Re: (US) Darolyn's Trade List

Posted: February 6th, 2016, 2:17 pm
by Darolyn
Just added a Magical Crawdad to the trade possibilities. I was flying over Skettis last night on a squishy level 100, trying to get her archaeology up (long story as to why I'm doing it in Outland and not Draenor), and decided to fish in a pool or two.

The toon doesn't have fish finding, her fishing is only 140, but fishing in pools only takes level 1, if you can find the pools...I found about three pools, gave up, flew to another arch zone in Terrokar, flew back toward Shadowmoon, stopped at the lower lake, one pool active, second cast, Mr. Pinchy!

First wish, crawdad!

Very exciting. And now it's time to trade him away.

Re: (US) Darolyn's Trade List - WTT Bananas for Spineclaw C

Posted: February 15th, 2016, 11:32 am
by Darolyn
I have an extra Bananas, that I am wanting to trade for a Spineclaw Crab, preferably P/P. UJ has the P/P Spineclaw at about 2K more than the Bananas, so I will level Bananas to 25 and stone a few of your tradable pets if need be to sweeten the deal. :)

Re: (US) Darolyn's Trade List - Updated for Legion!

Posted: November 4th, 2016, 3:03 pm
by Darolyn
Updated for Legion! Looking for an S/S Wicked Soul (will trade my P/S Wicked Soul and any other RWL4 duplicate for the S/S or any two RWL4 duplicates), and a Soulbroken Whelpling (will trade any two RWL duplicates for this pet)