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(US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 15th, 2015, 12:45 am
by Mahakaruna
I realize there are numerous guilds offering invites, but I am still saving up for The Claw; so I am looking for someone in a Challenge Warlords: Gold guild who is in need of the Sumprush Rodent and would be willing to trade (in lieu of a cash donation to the guild bank). I will roll a toon on your server, join your guild and level to revered, then buy the pet. Once that is done, you will need a toon on (US) Turalyon-Alliance to tame your pet; which we will set up at a mutually convenient time (pretty much any time, tbh). If you need to roll a new toon for it, I would also be able to port you from your starting zone to Pandaria and fly you down to Lion's Landing for the tame (although I can't really guarantee the safety of a lvl 1 toon there, but I will try LOL).

LMK if you have any questions or would like to trade. =]

Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 15th, 2015, 3:03 pm
by Youkaiyume
ok two things about this post.... number one, as long as you're on a US server in the first tab you can just use invite to party to teleport them to your server for the pet. And number two, a lvl 1 character wouldn't be able to even SEE lion's landing because there's a quest chain to unlock it.

Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 16th, 2015, 2:23 am
by Mahakaruna
#1 RIght, but I don't really want to add strangers to my battletag list; hence I posted what I am offering to do instead (which will take like an extra 5 minutes). #2 You don't need to see the fort or NPCs in Lions's Landing, so why would you need to unlock it first? Are you suggesting a chunk of the continent is just not there if you haven't done the quest line? Like... the land is missing? I will try to make some time to go double check- thanks for the heads up.

Edit: Current situation= taming a spiny terrapin @ 86.54, 29.13 (shore of Lion's Landing) on a boosted character that doesn't have any Pandaria faction unlocked whatsoever. I'm assuming it wouldn't be any different for a level one, since it's not dependent on quest completion... Unless completing the quest creates a discrete, phased area that would not generate rodents for someone out of phase? I have searched info on this for an hour without an answer, so I will probably just end up testing it out.

Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 16th, 2015, 2:50 am
by Charlott
The land is there but only because they put it in both phases. You won't be able to see any buildings, npcs, pets*, etc. It's an entirely different phase. And it's not just lvl 1s that'd be stuck in the phase. Even higher level toons won't be able to capture it if they haven't unlocked the area.
You can invite people from other servers without adding them to btag. Just do /invite charactername-server

Unless completing the quest creates a discrete, phased area that would not generate rodents for someone out of phase?

edit2: Wild pets will be in both phases, but not the same wild pet. Like it could be a gull but not the same gull. They just put the same type of wild pet in both phases.

Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 16th, 2015, 1:00 pm
by Peanutty
Mahakaruna wrote:Edit: Current situation= taming a spiny terrapin @ 86.54, 29.13 (shore of Lion's Landing) on a boosted character that doesn't have any Pandaria faction unlocked whatsoever. I'm assuming it wouldn't be any different for a level one, since it's not dependent on quest completion... Unless completing the quest creates a discrete, phased area that would not generate rodents for someone out of phase? I have searched info on this for an hour without an answer, so I will probably just end up testing it out.
Do a search on here for "sumprush rodent" or "rodent crate" or look up "sumprush rodent" on and you'll see posts confirming that yes, the toon MUST have completed the opening quest chain for Lion's Landing / Dominion Point in order to phase them in. The only thing I never figured out is if you can see pets from the other faction's area... a little hard to test since the NPCs attack you on sight (though I guess a lvl 100 could sneak in just fine, haven't tried!) Well nevermind, looks like people have confirmed you can go to the other faction's area and tame them, though you'll still need to unlock your own quest area.

Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 4:20 am
by Mahakaruna
Thanks all for the clarification. I gave it the good old college try, but I don't think I'm gonna find any takers. LF Deathwing Hatchling guild. >.< LOL

Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 18th, 2015, 4:38 am
by Charlott
There was a guild doing it for free, but I can't remember who it was. ><

Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 21st, 2015, 4:29 pm
by Zahira
it was Voodoo-Archimonde and we stopped doing it for free more then 6 months ago because we were getting over run with pet collectors and had actual raid members gquit over it, including almost every member of our CM team that still holds the server best times on every CM. Not that it stopped people from asking and getting an attitude with us when we said no and told them why. That's why we charge so much, to make up for the rudeness of everyone who was told no and freaked out because they read in some forum (often that we didn't even know about) that we were doing this. I've been yelled at, cursed out, the internet equivalent of hung up on, etc. No good deed goes unpunished.
We now do it for 10k gold on Agamaggan, Archimonde, Jaedenar, and The Underbog which are connected realms and function as one realm. If there is another guild doing it for free that's awesome but I haven't heard about them.
*Edit* I should have mentioned that I am the GM of Voodoo-Archimonde.
***Just saw this in the forums this may help you "If you would like to add my guild for the [Deathwatch Hatchling] Guild, you can add mine,
Horde U.S.
Realm - Destromath
Guild - killing in the name of
B Tag - Sh4d0wCr3p3r#1645
^ The 0 a zero
Add me in B-Tag for a guild invite ( Since its my alt guild), will invite when on
-Im on everyday almost, I work Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm east.
So if any 1 needs the pet, they can come and get it, everyone welcome!"

Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 21st, 2015, 10:30 pm
by Mahakaruna
Thanks for the heads up, Zahira. I'm sorry you had so much trouble from offering to share your guild glory! I can definitely understand wanting to have a reasonable fee for the service (so glad I learned about moral hazard in econ lol)- I just never have any luck with selling pets on the AH and I don't feel like messing with it, plus I thought it might be handy for someone who still needs a rodent of exceptional size. :) I have a guild with my bf and a few friends, I am gonna talk to them about maybe working on the achievement so I can pay it forward!

Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 21st, 2015, 11:38 pm
by Charlott
The guild I'm thinking of was on illidan or zul'jin. And I think the post was buried in their trade post, but I can't remember, ugh.
Our group was going to open a guild for it. We made the guild (horde), but then we ended up switching back to our ally toons (which are in actual guilds that won't open up invites).
If you're doing it for your guild, it's not too hard. You just need 3 people from the guild I think. And all gold - which is much easier these days if you have the bm trinket.

Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 22nd, 2015, 12:18 am
by Kiella
Charlott wrote:The guild I'm thinking of was on illidan or zul'jin. And I think the post was buried in their trade post, but I can't remember, ugh.
Our group was going to open a guild for it. We made the guild (horde), but then we ended up switching back to our ally toons (which are in actual guilds that won't open up invites).
If you're doing it for your guild, it's not too hard. You just need 3 people from the guild I think. And all gold - which is much easier these days if you have the bm trinket.
Pet Peeves- Zul'jin Horde

There are usually 2 or 3 people online at any given time.

Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: December 22nd, 2015, 1:50 pm
by Ravnhawk
Hi there!

Anyone that wants the Deathwatch Hatchling can join my guild on Zul'jin for the pet. My guild Pet Peeves has it unlocked.

Just whisper anyone in the guild they can all invite. Otherwise you can catch me when I'm on for an invite. We have other stuff unlock if you need any other pets or mounts.


Re: (US) LTT Sumprush Rodent for Deathwatch Hatchling

Posted: January 1st, 2016, 10:52 pm
by Mahakaruna
I am now the proud owner of a Deathwatch Hatchling named PetPeeves (and a Gilnean Raven named RavnHawk... hope that's not too weird lol)! I was invited within 10 seconds of contacting the first person I whispered, and they kindly offered as much time as needed to acquire the pet. Guildies were funny and helpful-I wish I could stay, but my account is capped and I need my bank alt back! With all looms but the rings (and of course, the 100% rep tabard), it took less than 10 hours to hit Revered (by level 30), much to my surprise. Can't wait to go tame my swamprat and update my collection... so excited!! :D

Thanks also to everyone else in the thread, and especially ShadowCreeper and the other guilds offering the pet!