(US) WTT Pets for BNet Balance

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Joined:December 8th, 2015
Pet Score:8854
(US) WTT Pets for BNet Balance

Post by Calynriel » June 21st, 2016, 12:13 pm

Hi everyone. I'm looking for up to 2 Bnet balance cards to get Legion.

I have available the following pets for trade. If I get something new, I'll update this list. If you need breed info, I can look it up for you. If they're green quality and you'd like them upgraded to blue quality, that's no problem.

Sand Scarab
Eye of the Legion
Gregarious Grell
Blackfuse Bombling
Gooey Sha-ling
Droplet of Y'shaarj
Living Sandling
Son of Animus
Pygmy Direhorn
Ji-kun Hatchling
Living Fluid
Lanticore Spawnling

Spineclaw Crab H/H
Gilnean Raven S/S
Savage Cub
Seaborne Spore
Nightmare Bell
Land Shark
Sea Calf
Fox Kit
Hyacinth Macaw
Black Tabby
Razzashi Hatchling
Ruby Droplet
Jadefire Spirit
Minfernal (I'll find a spawn and taxi you there)

Argent Tournament pets (both horde and alliance)
Children's Week pets (all)
Moon Moon
Darkmoon Eye
Syd the Squid
Whelplings (Crimson, Emerald, Azure, Bronze, Dark)
Tiny Carps (Red, Green, Blue, White)
Blazing Cindercrawler
Magical Crawdad
Sprite Darter Hatchling
Lunar Lantern
Festival Lantern
Bush Chicken
Rotten Little Helper
Feline Familiar
Cursed Birman
Widget the Departed

and practically all pets of lesser value
and a couple mounts,
Minion of Grumpus
Swift Springstrider

Please leave a forum PM or a reply to this thread and I'll get back to you as soon as I can, thanks!

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