(US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Posted: August 1st, 2016, 11:35 am
Hello, fellow collectors!
I'm opening up trades again, and as I am making changes about what is available and adding details up front, I'm spinning up a new thread instead of resurrecting my old one (here).
If you are trading for codes, all codes will be sent through BNet chat, redeemable on Battle.Net under Games & Codes > Code Redemption (here).
OPEN sections I am currently taking offers and accepting trades for.
CLOSED sections I am not currently accepting trades for, typically because I've hit my monthly budget allocation. Offers are still welcome, but I am unlikely to make trades until the next billing cycle.
What I have to offer
Pets: OPEN
I use The Undermine Journal US median value. If you wish to use a different standard, please include your preference when requesting a trade.
BlizzCon, Collector's Edition, & TCG Codes: OPEN
I will take gold on most US, Oceanic, Latin America, or Brazilian servers. However, I prefer:
Thanks for looking!
Last Edit Sep 8th: Pet list updates.
I'm opening up trades again, and as I am making changes about what is available and adding details up front, I'm spinning up a new thread instead of resurrecting my old one (here).
If you are trading for codes, all codes will be sent through BNet chat, redeemable on Battle.Net under Games & Codes > Code Redemption (here).
OPEN sections I am currently taking offers and accepting trades for.
CLOSED sections I am not currently accepting trades for, typically because I've hit my monthly budget allocation. Offers are still welcome, but I am unlikely to make trades until the next billing cycle.
What I have to offer
Pets: OPEN
I use The Undermine Journal US median value. If you wish to use a different standard, please include your preference when requesting a trade.
- Albino Buzzard (H/S) x2 | (H/H)
- Ashleaf Spriteling (B/B) x2 | (P/B)
- Azure Whelpling x3
- Bananas x3
- Blackfuse Bombling (P/P) | (H/P) x2
- Black Tabby x3
- Blazing Cindercrawler x3
- Bronze Whelpling x3
- Bush Chicken x5
- Crimson Whelpling x3
- Darkmoon Rabbit (S/S) x2
- Dragon Kite x2
- Droplet of Y'shaarj (P/P) | (P/B)
- Emerald Whelpling x3
- Ethereal Soul-Trader x3
- Everliving Spore x3
- Eye of Observation x3
- Eye of the Legion x3
- Feline Familiar x2
- Firefly (S/S) x3 | (H/B)
- Fox Kit x3
- Gilnean Raven (S/S) x3
- Gooey Sha-ling (H/H) | (P/P) | (S/S)
- Gregarious Grell x3
- Guardian Cub x3
- Gundrak Hatchling x3
- Gusting Grimoire x3
- Hatespark the Tiny x3
- Hippogryph Hatchling x3
- Hyacinth Macaw x2
- Jadefire Spirit x3
- Ji-Kun Hatchling (P/B) x3
- Knockoff Blingtron
- Kovok (H/S) x2 | (H/H)
- Landro's Lichling x3
- Landro's Lil'XT x3
- Land Shark x5
- Lanticore Spawnling x2
- Living Fluid x3
- Magical Crawdad x3
- Moon Moon (P/S) | (S/S)
- Naxxy x3
- Nightmare Bell x4
- Nightsaber Cub x3
- Pierre x3
- Porcupette x3
- Purple Puffer x3
- Pygmy Direhorn x3
- Rascal-Bot (S/B) x2 | (P/B) x2
- Razzashi Hatchling x3
- Rocket Chicken x3
- Ruby Droplet (H/B) | (H/P) | (H/H)
- Sand Scarab x3
- Savage Cub x2
- Seaborne Spore x3
- Searing Scorchling x2
- Son of Animus x2
- Spectral Tiger Cub x3
- Sprite Darter Hatchling x2
- Stout Alemental x3
- Syd the Squid x4
- Thistleleaf Adventurer x2
- Tiny Blue Carp x4
- Tiny Red Carp x3
- Tiny White Carp x3
- Tuskarr Kite x2
- Viscous Horror x3
- Widget the Departed x3
BlizzCon, Collector's Edition, & TCG Codes: OPEN
- I am willing to obtain codes provided they are available on eBay.
- Price for items $0 - $100: K/$ of a WoW token + 5%.
- Price for items $100 - $200: K/$ of a WoW token + 10%.
- Price for items $200 - $300: K/$ of a WoW token + 20%.
- Price for items $300+: Up for discussion
- For current WoW token ($20 USD) value, see https://wowtoken.info/
- You will be charged for total cost (including shipping/taxes, if applicable)
- If we've traded before, I expect payment when the items are received. Otherwise, I expect payment first.
- Shipping information will need to be provided if you want any physical items.
- This includes only Gryphon Hatchling and Wind Rider Cub.
- Price: K/$ of a WoW token. For current WoW token ($20 USD) value, see https://wowtoken.info/
- You will be charged for total cost (including shipping/taxes, if applicable).
- If we've traded before, I expect payment when the items are received. Otherwise, I expect payment first.
- Shipping information will need to be provided if you want any physical items. For a shipping estimate, go to the Gear Store, add any item to your cart, and then check your cart for a Shipping Estimate form. (This form is unavailable if your cart is empty.)
- If you only want the code, the plush will be donated.
I will take gold on most US, Oceanic, Latin America, or Brazilian servers. However, I prefer:
- Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Gurubashi, and Hakkar (H)
- Agamaggan, Archimonde, Jaedenar, and The Underbog (H)
- Akama, Dragonmaw, and Mug'thol (A)
- Area52 (H)
- Argent Dawn, The Scryers (A)
- Azralon (H)
- Azuremyst, Staghelm (A)
- Barthilas (H)
- Black Dragonflight, Gul'dan, Skullcrusher (H)
- Blackhand, Galakrond (H)
- Blackwing Lair, Dethecus, Detheroc, Lethon, and Haomarush (H)
- Bleeding Hollow (H)
- Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, and Stonemaul (H)
- Cenarion Circle, Sisters of Elune (A|H)
- Coilfang, Dark Iron, Dalvengyr, and Demon Soul (H)
- Draenor, Echo Isles (A)
- Eldre’Thalas, Korialstrasz (A)
- Frostmourne (A)
- Frostwolf, Vashj (A|H)
- Greymane, Tanaris (A)
- Gundrak, Jubei'Thos (H)
- Hellscream, Zangarmarsh (A|H)
- Hyjal (H)
- Icecrown, Malygos (A|H)
- Illidan (H)
- Kel'Thuzad (A)
- Kil'jaeden (A|H)
- Kilrogg, Winterhoof (A|H)
- Mal'ganis (H)
- Misha, Rexxar (A)
- Nazgrel, Nesingwary, Vek'nilash (A)
- Ravencrest, Uldaman (A)
- Ravenholdt, Twisting Nether (H)
- Sargeras (A)
- Stormrage (A)
- Thrall (H)
- Tichondrius (A|H)
- Turalyon (A|H)
- Wyrmrest Accord (H)
- Zul'jin(H)
- I use The Undermine Journal US median value. If you wish to use a different standard, please include your preference when requesting a trade.
- I will take any pet worth 10K+, with the following exceptions:
- All BFA pets. Due to how new they are, prices are unstable.
- Pets I have 3+ of in the "offering" list above, as I have too many of them already.
- Pets that are part of Raiding with Leashes, as they do not retain value over time.
- Albino Buzzard (H/P)
- Cavern Moccasin (H/S) or (S/B)
- Shore Crawler (B/B) or (H/P)
- I collect toys and mounts only casually, but if I don't have it I may want it
- I have most BoE mounts already. Those I don't have are on Armory.
- Feel free to ask if you have a question about something specific you'd like to trade.
Thanks for looking!
Last Edit Sep 8th: Pet list updates.