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[US] Selling spineclaw crab x2

Posted: December 14th, 2017, 11:04 pm
by Drazinus
Hey all, first post here. I'm not really into battle pets but I have 2 Spineclaw Crab, both H/H breed, one is level 1, the other level 2, that I'm trying to find new homes for in exchange for gold. Ideally I would like to take gold on either Illidan Horde, or Proudmoore Alliance, however I'm open to taking offers on any server, as my plan with the gold is to buy tokens, to move my DK from Proudmoore A to Illidan H, to be with the rest of my characters. Anyway, thank you for reading.

PS I'm not sure if they're in my collection as I've had them listed on ah since I joined this site/sync'd my collection, so if I may need to re-learn them if verification is necessary.

Re: [US] Selling spineclaw crab x2

Posted: December 16th, 2017, 7:12 pm
by Lordblacknail
what are you asking for them?