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BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 22nd, 2018, 11:18 am
by Rhaellia
Hello all,

I've been a long time member here at Warcraft Pets, some of you might remember me, some not. I was fairly active in this sub-forum throughout most of Mists of Pandaria. While I don't come here often anymore nor do I find myself playing WoW much anymore, I wanted to giveback a little. I always had great experiences when trading with members of the site. So, here's to you!

I have here a box of wind rider cubs, needless to say, I don't have the knowledge to take care of them. They must go immediately! Also, there's a little dragon blabbing on about taking over Azeroth or something. Please help.

Full disclosure, I bought both the Wind Rider Cubs and Cataclysm Collector's Editions with greedy goblin intentions. I have since found a much better use for them here :)

Starting today, I will be taking names to throw into a hat. You have until the day before launch to enter. I will draw names on launch day and mail them out accordingly. I will not mail physical items, so no plushies and no artbook, mousepad, etc (sorry!). These are just codes.

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 22nd, 2018, 3:51 pm
by Fahra
That's incredibly generous! I'd love to enter into the drawing for a Wind Rider Cub. My boyfriend doesn't have one, and he's only just getting into pet collecting (mostly because I'm dragging him into it, haha!). It would make a wonderful gift for him!

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 22nd, 2018, 6:52 pm
by Nightswifty
Thank you are doing this giveaway, you're awesome!

I wish they would add the Wind Rider Cub and Gryphon Hatchling back on the shop, even without the merch.

Edit: Entering for both giveaways!

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 22nd, 2018, 10:11 pm
by Crunchberriez
Very nice of you. Cheers!

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 23rd, 2018, 1:02 am
by Ccslider
I would love to enter! Awesome of you to do!

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 23rd, 2018, 9:08 am
by Brooklynsown
I would love to be part of the giveaway. I just recently started playing again after returning from deployment. Li' Deathwing would be awesome but anything I receive if chosen would be great. And wow there is so much to catch up on. At least my wife and kids have been helping me. :) Once again thank you and you are doing something very special.

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 23rd, 2018, 10:01 am
by Adumbledore
This is extremely generous of you. :D I'd love to be part of the giveaway, if possible.

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 23rd, 2018, 11:56 am
by Jerebear
Are we able to enter just for the lil'Deathwing? If so, I would like to enter the competition just for that. I already have the windrider cub, so I would hate to take that from someone who doesn't have it already.

Thanks for being so generous either way

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 23rd, 2018, 12:37 pm
by Luar
Awesome and generouls act, I want to participate. :)

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 23rd, 2018, 2:22 pm
by Saberella
That's so generous of you! I'd love to enter for Lil'Deathwing- I do have a wind rider cub so I'd rather that be passed to someone who lacks it if I were chosen for it :)

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 23rd, 2018, 2:49 pm
by Maylea
That is very generous of you! I would like to put myself an entry for one of the Wind Rider Cubs. :-)

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 23rd, 2018, 5:35 pm
by Shallogal
This is awesome and a lovely jester, please count me in on this for the cubs. hehe :D this is exciting thanks so much!

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 23rd, 2018, 8:02 pm
by Missywithcheese
Neato torpedo and ty for the chance :D I'd like to enter for the lil dragon please. I've got a cub, though- please skip me if I am drawn for one so someone else has a chance :)

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 23rd, 2018, 9:03 pm
by Popgunpunk
Ohh wow that is so generous! Being new to the game in Legion and even newer in the pet collecting "business" I have neither of these pets and would love an opportunity to win either one! :)

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 24th, 2018, 12:05 am
by Zakurò
This is so generous! Good luck to everyone! :D

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 24th, 2018, 12:11 am
by Catalla
Very kind of you! Please count me in!

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 24th, 2018, 5:27 am
by Angelcat2887
Could these be used in the EU? I would love to give my BF a wind rider cub. :D

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 24th, 2018, 8:04 am
by Africanleopard
Wow - so generous of you. Hopefully you will enjoy the game and collecting pets again. I think we all go through slumps - I think I am in one right now - probably because I have to relearn my main, which I have played since just as BC launched.

I would love a little windrider cub though :) - they are incredibly cute. I will give it a good home, with lots of treats ;).

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 24th, 2018, 8:50 am
by Tekulve2018
This is both cool and generous of you !
I started WoW and first became a member here in 2013 then gave my WoW account to a friend.
I used to own both pets but no more.
How (and to whom) you issue these pets is up to you of course, but given the fact that you could have sold the items
for great financial gain, I am presuming that you would like the pets to find a loving home.

It has been nice to return here and read posts here from happy and hopeful collectors. I have noticed that a few participants have a pet score of 0. This smells like a poor and lonely home for these pets. Again, not really my business, but at the risk of seeming petty; I hope your sincere gesture benefits battlepet lovers only.
I would be pleased to be part of your draw for both pets to add to my rebuilding collection
I will be happily keeping fingers crossed.

8-) 8-)

Re: BfA Giveaway (10 Wind Rider Cubs + 1 Lil' Deathwing)

Posted: July 24th, 2018, 11:21 am
by Megaman1986
I would love to enter.