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(US) WTT Luminous Webspinner & Feasting Larva (traded)

Posted: February 26th, 2021, 6:44 pm
by Gia
I am looking to trade my extra Shadlowlands pets, Luminous Webspinner , Feasting Larva , Boneweave Hatchling and Wrathling for pets I don't have. I would prefer pets not from vendors.
Pets are lvl 1 and green quality.
You can check my list here, I try and keep it up to date :mrgreen:

UPDATE: All traded.

You can also check my profile, I have added a trade list to my bio of non shadowlands pets I have available. You can reply here or just add me on bnet: Gia#1141

Re: (US) WTT Luminous Webspinner, Boneweave Hatchling, Wrathling

Posted: February 27th, 2021, 10:36 am
by Darkchyld
For Boneweave Hatchling, would either of them be P/P (I'm a little particular about breeds). And if so would you be interested in a Skittering Venomspitter?

Re: (US) WTT Luminous Webspinner, Boneweave Hatchling, Wrathling

Posted: February 27th, 2021, 5:46 pm
by Gia
Hi Darkchyld :)

I do have a PP breed and would be happy to make that trade with you :)
I should have mentioned, it is lvl 1 and green quality. If you would still like to trade you can add Gia#1141 on Bnet :)

Re: (US) WTT Luminous Webspinner, Boneweave Hatchling, Wrathling

Posted: March 1st, 2021, 4:30 am
by Olopa
Hi Gia. I have an extra Feasting Larva, which I think you don't have. Do you want to trade for the Wrathling?

Re: (US) WTT Luminous Webspinner, Boneweave Hatchling, Wrathling

Posted: March 1st, 2021, 10:45 am
by Gia
Hey Olopa! Yes, let's trade :)
Just message me in game when you see me :)