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Selling pets, just returned to WoW after 5 years away and looking to get some gold

Posted: June 15th, 2024, 3:27 pm
by Fahra
I want the Prismatic Bauble. I have a mighty need to Nyan Cat my way through content on a frighteningly fast character.

However, I only have 60k gold to my name.

I'm looking to sell some of my pets. I'm not sure what goes for a decent price anymore; I haven't played in 5ish years.

The ones I currently have listed on AH:

Sentinel's Companion
Ancient Nest Guardian
Widget the Departed
Sen'jin Fetish
Stout Alemental
Zangar Spore

I have TONS of other pets, but again, I'm not sure how much anything is worth. If you're looking for old raid pets, event pets, rare drops, or anything of the sort, please let me know and I'll check my hoard.

I just want my rainbow stone <3

Re: Selling pets, just returned to WoW after 5 years away and looking to get some gold

Posted: June 22nd, 2024, 6:47 am
by Yisselda
Hello & welcome back!

Where you at?
I am interested in possibly purchasing some of your pets.
I have Discord & a bit of saved up gold for just such an emergency.

Hope to see a message from you soon!
