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Trading Murkablo for other Blizzcon pets or rare TCG pets

Posted: January 21st, 2013, 12:39 pm
by Eskimo
I have an extra (unscratched) Murkablo card from the last Blizzcon. I'm looking to trade for either a Grunty, a Deathy, or possibly a TCG pet. Please, no 5 dollar TCG pets.

Re: Trading Murkablo for other Blizzcon pets or rare TCG pet

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 12:38 am
by Hupriest
I was wondering if a lvl 25 Bananas would suffice? Also, how do you plan on doing this transaction without either side being cheated? (I'm not saying that I or you would do so, but I just want to make sure that both sides are happy :D)

Re: Trading Murkablo for other Blizzcon pets or rare TCG pet

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 2:05 pm
by Dizzyfly
Eskimo wrote:I have an extra (unscratched) Murkablo card from the last Blizzcon. I'm looking to trade for either a Grunty, a Deathy, or possibly a TCG pet. Please, no 5 dollar TCG pets.
How about a dragon kite.?

Re: Trading Murkablo for other Blizzcon pets or rare TCG pet

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 2:36 pm
by Arcarius

Re: Trading Murkablo for other Blizzcon pets or rare TCG pet

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 8:51 pm
by Gengiskaan
I have a Hippogryph Hatchling lvl 25 and many other lvl 25 TCG pets I would consider trading. I also have multitudes of the Spirit pets, etc. LMK what you need and I'll make it worth your while. Respond on here if interested and I'll get you my realID.

Re: Trading Murkablo for other Blizzcon pets or rare TCG pet

Posted: January 22nd, 2013, 9:54 pm
by Kagalii
I also have a spare Rocket Chicken (level 25 or 1) I'd be interested in trading.

bt is mikadochan#1520