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Trades completed :)

Posted: January 23rd, 2013, 2:46 am
by Vasala
I know this is a bit of a long shot since my trading supplies took a big hit.

I am now looking for a Darkmoon Rabbit and a Darkmoon Eye

My current list of extra pets:

Black Tabby Cat (rare) (lvl 25), Chrominimus (lvl 25), Corefire Imp, Darkmoon Cub, Darkmoon Hatchling, Darkmoon Turtle, Darkmoon Zeppelin, Darkmoon Monkey, Darkmoon Tonk, Firefly, Frigid Frostling, Giant Bone Spider, Gilnean Raven, Guardian Cub, Imperial Moth, Jade Crane Chick (rare) (lvl 25), Pandaran Air Spirit, Pandaran Earth Spirit, Pandaran Water Spirit, Porcupette, Sapphire Cub (rare), Sen'jin Fetish, Stitched Pup, Death Talon Whelpguard, Festival Lantern, Lunar Lantern, Dark Whelpling.

The (rare) means that I have used a stone on the pet. My battletag is Vasala#1465.

And thanks to Balexion for the trade for an Ethereal Soultrader. Now just to refill the gaps in my collection and then I can start the recovery process before thinking about mounts ;).

Thanks to Kodama for the deal for the Bananas.

Thanks all have my Darkmoon eye and rabbit now. So done until new pets available (not counting the old blizzcon etc pets that are way out of my price range ;) )

Re: Seeking Darkmoon Rabbit / Bananas

Posted: January 26th, 2013, 4:41 pm
by Vasala
I am still hunting for a Darkmoon Rabbit and a Bananas. Just send me a message and let me know what combination of pets you would like for it.

Re: Seeking Darkmoon Rabbit / Bananas

Posted: January 28th, 2013, 7:40 pm
by Vasala
Added the Lunar and Festival Lantern to my trading supplies. Updated my need list as I now have a bananas but down an eye ;).

Re: Seeking Darkmoon Rabbit and Eye

Posted: January 28th, 2013, 9:04 pm
by Ianakasobe
i have an eye
kodama#1998 to discuss

Re: Seeking Darkmoon Rabbit and Eye

Posted: January 28th, 2013, 11:48 pm
by Vasala
Sorry saw this late. After our earlier trade guild decided to do some raiding. Sent you a new friend request so I can see what of my remaining trade stuff you are interested in. If I don't catch you tonight I should be back on sometime after 1pm central tomorrow.