(US) --CLOSED FOR NOW-- Trading TCG Mounts/Pets

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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(US) --CLOSED FOR NOW-- Trading TCG Mounts/Pets

Post by Charnyl » January 25th, 2013, 10:21 am

NB: I am not currently interested in any trades that do not involve a Spectral Tiger Cub.

All TCG items are already redeemed and in their BoE state on US-Blackhand (Horde) unless otherwise noted. Please note that I will ONLY complete these transactions as a 'safe' trade using the standard Blizzard UI. If you want any of my mounts then I expect you will come to me. I am also able to pay for items in gold on either faction of Blackhand, and may be able to provide a level 2 guild to transfer the gold back with you.

Also, please note that I am a collector first and foremost. I have no desire to trade a pet I do not have in duplicate, so don't bother asking if I'll trade my Ethereal Soul Trader, etc. I am also very patient and willing to do my research and check out other servers, so please don't be insulted if I do not immediately leap on your offer. I do my best to be fair in my dealings, and am not interested in trades that are heavily weighted against me.

Looking to Acquire (Pets):
Spectral Tiger Cub
(I am currently valuing the Cub at ~250k and am willing to combine pets/mounts to reach that value. I am also very patient and would rather wait for a fair deal than rush ahead and take something that is vastly weighted against me.)

Have to Trade (Pets):
Rocket Chicken
Hippogryph Hatchling
Tuskarr Kite
Various other 'small' TCG/raid/rare pets, PST for a complete list

Have to Trade (Mounts):
Big Battle Bear
Savage Raptor
Reins of Poseidus
Any JC Mount

Please drop your offer and battletag here, I'll contact you in-game so we can work something out.

NB: If I've removed you from my b.net it's nothing personal, I just prefer to keep my list fairly small. Feel free to send a new request if you have additional business to discuss.
Last edited by Charnyl on February 20th, 2013, 8:53 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Hupriest » January 25th, 2013, 2:16 pm

I'm wondering what would you take for your Rhino mount. I current have a Darkmoon Rabbit lvl 25 (breed 5) but I might be able to pull something together if its not enough. BT - Hupriest#1268

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Arcarius » January 25th, 2013, 3:54 pm

Last edited by Arcarius on February 4th, 2013, 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Gladiatro » January 25th, 2013, 5:43 pm

Have a few things that you are looking for if interested and want to work something out add vexest#1869

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Charnyl » January 27th, 2013, 8:58 am

Apologies for the radio silence, had a busy few days at work. I got lucky recently and nabbed a Rocket Chicken fairly cheap on the AH, and have a Hippogryph Hatchling on the way so I've updated my lists accordingly.

For mounts, I'd be looking for something close to their gold value in final trade. I use The Undermine Journal as a price guide for mounts, and pet prices based on my own observations across various servers (ie. 150-200k for Soul Trader, etc.) since the Blizzard API currently does not support battle pets.

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Charnyl » January 29th, 2013, 10:50 pm

Many thanks and +respect to Thoryndor for my first smooth-as-silk cross server trade. Acquired a few nice pets and a Woolly Rhino for a Spectral Tiger. Enjoy the new mount!

Still looking for some pets/mounts, I'll update my first post accordingly.

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Faelar » January 30th, 2013, 12:26 am

Hit me up at Faelar#1331 wanted to see if we could work some trades.

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Dragonwizard » January 30th, 2013, 7:00 am

Wondering if you have any interest in trading your Rocket Chicken for a Tuskarr Kite? Either way add me I'm sure we can work something out dragonwizard#1388
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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Ianakasobe » January 30th, 2013, 9:39 am

trade you
1x nightsaber cub
1x guardian cub
1x eye of the legion
1x disgusting oozeling
1x azure whelp

for ur bananas

if u want to discuss further add meh I have many other pets
can make a much larger offer for the chicken also if interested

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Charnyl » January 30th, 2013, 1:29 pm

Ianakasobe wrote:trade you
1x nightsaber cub
1x guardian cub
1x eye of the legion
1x disgusting oozeling
1x azure whelp

for ur bananas

if u want to discuss further add meh I have many other pets
can make a much larger offer for the chicken also if interested
I'm going to pass on this, but thank you for your offer.

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Slayer5457 » January 30th, 2013, 11:33 pm

Tuskarr Kite for Rocket chicken or rhino

Battle tag : Victor#11582

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Charnyl » January 31st, 2013, 1:27 pm

Updated, only need the Spectral Cub now. :) I'll consider trades for duplicates if that'll help me work towards those two goals. I also have some ability to pick up other TCG mounts that are not on my list, but it may take a few days. Feel free to hit me up with requests/offers. (Picked up a Tuskarr, woot)

@Slayer - Adding you so we can talk business.
Last edited by Charnyl on January 31st, 2013, 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Gladiatro » January 31st, 2013, 1:40 pm

Have a tuskarr send a request to vexest#1869 if interested

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Dragonwizard » January 31st, 2013, 1:50 pm

I should be on today around 3:30pm est, hoping to talk to you later :)
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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Charnyl » January 31st, 2013, 2:08 pm

Nabbed a Tuskarr Kite so I'm mostly just interested in the Spectral Cub now (who isn't, lol). But I still have several mounts available and am still interested in trades for other mounts/pets to help bulk up my offer when a cub turns up. Also, for anyone who is looking to get a mount from me on Blackhand I do have guilds on both factions with the XP bonus unlocked, so that'll help with leveling a bit.

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Charnyl » February 1st, 2013, 5:03 pm

Updated my list, now I just need the Spectral Cub and the Shorestrider. :)

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Re: (US) Trading TCG Mounts/Pets for other Mounts/Pets

Post by Minervva » February 1st, 2013, 10:39 pm

I have a darkmoon rabbit for trade if anyone is interested. Minerrva#1655

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