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WTT Pets-Have Stones/Pets

Posted: March 10th, 2013, 3:27 pm
by Xsftifa09
Ashstone Core
Clockwork Rocket Bot
Father Winter's Helper
Giant Bone Spider
Harbinger of Flame
Imperial Moth
Imperial Silkworm
Jade Crane Chick
Magic Lamp
Mini Mindslayer
Mr. Wiggles
Obsidian Hatchling
Personal World Destroyer
Phoenix Hatchling
Red Cricket-Already caged. Cannot be caged again after learning
Sinister Squashling
Spring Rabbit
Stitched Pup
Sunreaver Micro-Sentry
Terrible Turnip
Tiny Shale Spider
Tiny Snowman
Toxic Wasteling
Untamed Hatchling x's 4
Viscidus Globule
Voodoo Figurine
Winter's Little Helper
Zandalari Anklerender
Zandalari Footslasher
Zandalari Kneebiter
Zandalari Toenibbler
Purple Puffer

1 Aquatic
1 Undead
1 Dragonkin
4 Humanoid
2 Critter
1 Elemental
1 Beast
1 BoE

Gregarious Grell
Gusting Grimoire
Spawn of G'nathus
Sand Scarab
Rocket Chicken
Ji-Kun Hatchling
Living Sandling
Hippogryph Hatchling
Son of Animus
Tuskarr Kite
Dragon Kite
Ethereal Soul-Trader
Spectral Tiger Cub(would trade everything I have for this :lol: )
BTag- Mysa#1302
I also have 4 unscratched Slashdance Loot cards and 2 unscratched Sandbox Tiger Cards.

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones and Panda

Posted: March 10th, 2013, 4:59 pm
by Evileye23
I have a Mountain Panda that I am looking to trade for the Sunfur Panda. Willing to trade Panda for Panda?

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones and Panda

Posted: March 10th, 2013, 6:06 pm
by Xsftifa09
Sure. Add me Mysa#1302

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones and Panda

Posted: March 10th, 2013, 7:24 pm
by Evileye23
Okay, i made a level 1 human named Thistleknote on Bonechewer. I'll log onto it in a little while to see if you are on.

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones and Panda

Posted: March 10th, 2013, 7:31 pm
by Xsftifa09
Sorry I missed your whisper. I was afk. :( just add me on battlenet.

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones and Panda

Posted: March 11th, 2013, 9:08 pm
by Xsftifa09
Bump. Have mountain or Sunfur panda to trade for Snowy Panda!

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones and Panda

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 7:13 am
by Whiplash
I have Snowy Panda for trade, and I need both Sunfur and Mountain.

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones and Panda

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 7:18 pm
by Xsftifa09
I traded my sunfur for a snowy panda last night. sorrry. :(

Bump. Added more things

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones and Panda

Posted: March 14th, 2013, 2:18 pm
by Xsftifa09
Bump! Really want a Spectral Porcupette,Nightsaber Cub and Spawn of G'nathus!

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones and Panda

Posted: March 14th, 2013, 2:50 pm
by Faelar
*bonk* Message me in game, I have a cub :P

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones and Panda

Posted: March 15th, 2013, 7:35 pm
by Xsftifa09
Bump. Got my Spectral Porcupette and Nightsaber Cub. ^.^ Thanks Faelar!

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones

Posted: March 17th, 2013, 9:47 pm
by Xsftifa09

Re: WTT Pets-Have Stones/Pets

Posted: March 17th, 2013, 10:40 pm
by Rakeling
still looking for g'nathus? i got one.

---- no longer have g'nathus, offer retracted. sorry.