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WTS Crawling Claw

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 4:34 am
by Rigsby
WTS Crawling Claw;

preferably gold on US - Darkspear, but will make trades. PST


Re: WTS Crawling Claw

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 8:09 am
by Tekulve2012

I'm interested in the claw ... just got my toon eligible for archy in Uldum but I read it's an RNG headache for the claw to
crop up so ....
I can offer the Gusting Grimoire and the EotLegion and a Hyacinth MacCaw for the claw
maybe the Nightsaber cub with the Eye of the legion
The Claw is all over the map for value on the AH- so feel free to turn me down and try your luck for gold
and i'll try my archy luck-

blizz. claims in it's notes that 5.2 might have some pets become easier to attain but not sure if that applies to the claw

Kingsfoiler#1479 US Horde