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LF Stones/Stoned Pets.

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 1:28 pm
by Mushalor
Due to recent confusion, I've made a few clarifications below. Please make sure to carefully read the bottom of this post if you're interested in trades with me. Thank you!


Currently Offering:
Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling x 1 (B/B; stoned)
Zandalari Kneebiter x 1 ( P/B)
Sunreaver Micro-Sentry x 1 (lvl 7)
Pandaren Earth Spirit x 2
Terrible Turnip x 1 (lvl 25)
Ashstone Core x 1
Darkmoon tonk x 1
Fossilized Hatchling x 3
Mr. Grubbs x 1

Imperial moth x 4
Imperial silkworm x 11
Jade Crane Chick x 2 (1 lvl 1, 1 lvl 10; both B/B)
Fishy x 5
Enchanted Lantern x 1
Mr. Wiggles x 5
Willy x 3
Pint-Sized Pachyderm x 1
Father Winter's Helper x 2
Winter Reindeer x 3
Tiny Snowman x 1
Clockwork Rocket Bot x 2
Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot x 2 (P/S; B/B)
Father Winter's Helper x 1
Winter's Little Helper x 1
Winterspring Cub x 1
Cockatiel x 1 (S/S)
Hawk Owl x 1 (P/S)
Silver Dragonhawk x 1 (S/S)
Red Dragonhawk x 1 (S/S)
Black Kingsnake x 1
Tickbird Hatchling x 1 (B/B; S/S)
White Tickbird Hatchling x 1 (H/S)
Cobra Hatchling x 2
Green Wing Macaw x 3
Darting Hatchling x 1
Razormaw Hatchling x 1
Leaping Hatchling x 2
Worg pup x 1
Smolderweb Hatchling x 2

What I'm trading for:
(Order of most-wanted to least)
Spectral Porcupette
Stones/stoned pets (see below)*
Anything else missing in my profile that's currently not listed (including "high-end" TCG, but I recognise I don't have much to offer for those right now so I don't expect anything).
Extras for trade fodder.

Total stones needed still:
12 Flying
9 Critter
5 Magic
22 Beast
1 Aquatic
7 Mechanical

Breeds needed still, stoned or unstoned:
Brown Rabbit (S/S)
Jade Owl (P/S)
Shore Crawler (P/P)

Pets I'm looking to stone w/ preferential breeds:
Ancona Chicken (P/B)
Blue Moth (H/B)
Brown Prarie Dog (S/S)
Cockatiel (B/B)
Great Horned Owl (H/H)
Hawk Owl (P/B)
Red Moth (B/B)
Rustberg Gull (P/B)
Senegal (B/B)
Snowshoe Rabbit (S/S)
Tickbird Hatchling (P/S)
White Tickbird Hatchling (P/S)
Yellow Moth (P/P)

Pets I'm looking to stone w/out preferential breeds:
Albino Snake
Black Kingsnake
Black Tabby Cat
Bombay Cat
Brown Snake
Calico Cat
Cobra Hatchling
Cornish Rex Cat
Crimson Snake
De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion
Deviate Hatchling
Dun Morogh Cub
Durotar Scorpion
Elwynn Lamb
Enchanted Broom
Feline Familiar
Green Wing Macaw
Leaping Hatchling
Lifelike Toad
Lil' Smoky
Mana Wyrmling
Mechanical Squirrel
Mulgore Hatchling
Orange Tabby Cat
Pet Bombling
Ravasaur Hatchling
Razormaw Hatchling
Siamese Cat
Silver Tabby Cat
Smolderweb Hatchling
Spring Rabbit
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
Whiskers the Rat

*Various clarifications:
Hello, and thanks for your interest in my trades!

In general, I am currently looking for stones to upgraded pets I already have, and/or already-stoned pets. Exceptions are listed in their own categories, and keeping the following in mind may help expedite trading with me.

- if you offer in trade a non-upgraded pet, check the list above to ensure it's actually a breed I still need; chances are good that I already have that pet otherwise, and am merely looking to upgrade it.
- if you offer in trade a stone, chances are good that I already have a pet ready to go and just need a stone applied to it.
- if you offer in trade an already-upgraded pet I'm missing but it's of the "wrong" breed, I'm not likely to turn it down because in the end it's still an upgraded pet I'm missing and I can probably trade it in turn for the "right" breed or another upgraded pet I'm also missing. I just would prefer either my pet (listed breed) upgraded with your stone, or an already-upgraded pet (of listed breed) because it's easier for me than playing trade roulette.

If you currently see nothing you fancy, it's okay; my trade list is getting a little skimpy, between getting closer to being done with collecting [easily-obtainable] pets and currently being more focused on leveling some of my alts over making gold, trading, or pet battles in general.

Feel free to check back later, and I might have something more interesting!

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 8:59 pm
by SCEcartonan
Added you in game

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 10:15 pm
by Mushalor
Replying here since I noticed the text on your adding request--the spawn of g'nathus, due to how annoying it is for me to obtain (farming/kiting the mob + getting a group willing to do it) makes it worth a lot more to me than a scarab. Additionally, as it's my only one and I finally got the big trade I was looking for (Ji-Kun), I'm taking it off my list as potential fodder. I'm sorry if I wasted your time, and good luck in your trades!

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: March 26th, 2013, 10:19 pm
by Mushalor
Updated list. Got my Ji-Kun Hatchling and it's even the breed I wanted! Thank you very much, Tacticalnuke! We both came away from that happy, I think.

List updated; since I traded away several more of my lower TCG, I'm in the market for those now, as well.

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: March 29th, 2013, 7:44 pm
by Mushalor
List updated. Got another pandaren spirit for trade.

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: March 30th, 2013, 5:38 pm
by Mushalor
Another pandaren spirit and another mountain panda.

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 4th, 2013, 1:54 am
by Mushalor
List still up to date; still searching for trades.

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 4th, 2013, 7:33 am
by Moneypenny
i have a jade crane chick h/b would u swop for a sandling? msbehavin#1399 to chat

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 4th, 2013, 12:55 pm
by Mushalor
if someone REALLY wants my extra Sandling, I will do one of the following:

- swap one extra (either the lvl 1 or the lvl 25 it doesn't matter to me) for a H/H breed so I can play around with what I have and see what works better for me
- trade one extra (either the lvl 1 or the lvl 25 it doesn't matter to me) for either Ji-kun or Son of Anim
- trade one extra (either the lvl 1 or the lvl 25 it doesn't matter to me) as part of bulk trade for any one of the other "high end" pets I still don't have in my profile (TCG).

I don't want to trade it for anything that doesn't fall into the above categories, even if it's pets from the other portions of my want list. Sorry. :( I like these Sandlings too much!

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 4th, 2013, 1:38 pm
by Pocketimp
I have a bunch of items on your list. Let's see if we can work something out so you can shorten your list. :)

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 5th, 2013, 2:55 am
by Mushalor
Yes you do! I'm not really seeing anything that I can offer for them based on your want list, though. :(

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 5th, 2013, 7:48 am
by Cylaris
I may have some we can trade for sure...check my list out :)


Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 5th, 2013, 9:53 am
by Pocketimp
I'm missing a couple of the Zandalari raptors in PP breed so if you have any of those, we can work something out.

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 5th, 2013, 11:40 am
by Mushalor
Added you in-game, Celysine. Hopefully we can catch each other online today for chatting. :)

@Pocketimp; I have a Zandalari Anklerender and Toebiter that are P/P. If you need that in one of the other two (Footslasher/Kneebiter), I can probably get ahold of those, but atm those two are S/S.

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 5th, 2013, 12:22 pm
by Pocketimp
We'll talk in game. I should be on by 7pm PST.

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 5th, 2013, 12:30 pm
by Mushalor
Alright :) Talk to you this evening!

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 5th, 2013, 7:01 pm
by Mushalor
Updated list; got my oozeling thanks to Rakeling. <3

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 7th, 2013, 2:22 am
by Mushalor
Thank you for asking and it's always okay to ask if you're not sure!

While I'd rather trade for a scarab than pay out the gold for it, a scarab is valued at around roughly 5k or so (since it's about 5 dollars to buy IRL), making it one of the low-end TCG pets on my want list.

Edit: (because apparently some of my post ate itself) so no, a scarab would not qualify on a 1:1 basis and I'm currently not interested in a bulk trade of smaller pets on my want list, either.

Re: Trading misc + some 5.2

Posted: April 8th, 2013, 9:11 am
by Jerika
do you still have that living sandling? i see on the list. I have an eye of legion I am trading currently if interested?