How much is a battle stone worth?

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How much is a battle stone worth?

Post by Elvenia » March 27th, 2013, 8:54 am

I was wondering what a soulbound battle stone is worth when trading for pets. I see other posts offering stone for pets but what is the approximate value of a battle stone? For instance, if you want to trade for a TCG pet like the Gregarious Grell (approximately 7k-12k on the AH), is it worth one stone? two stones or more? Obviously, some stones are worth more to somone who needs a particular type of stone but I just wanted a rough approximation. Thanks and I hope I'm making sense.

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Re: How much is a battle stone worth?

Post by Saviya » March 27th, 2013, 9:02 am

Personally I've been trading them for about a 4k value on my server. I've done two DMF or tourney pets for 1 stone a few times. Not sure what everyone else is doing, but figured I'd put in my $.02 :D

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Re: How much is a battle stone worth?

Post by Rakeling » March 27th, 2013, 9:37 am

i've been involved in the following trade combos for stones - as you can see, prices vary.
1 stone for an aqua strider
1 stone for a grinder
1 stone for a legs
1 stone for 1 panda
2 stones for 1 panda
2 stones for a fox kit
2 stones for 3 argent tourney
3 stones for a nightsaber cub
3 stones for a lumpy

something i see advertised often from a big volume trader-
3 stones for a common TCG (except scarab)
1 beast + 2 others for a landro's lichling

not all stones are created equally- flying and beast are the most sought after, so you should value those more highly than the others.

hope that helps.

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Re: How much is a battle stone worth?

Post by Elvenia » March 27th, 2013, 2:20 pm

Thanks for responding to my thread. This is very helpful information! :D

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Re: How much is a battle stone worth?

Post by Adely » March 27th, 2013, 3:46 pm

Thank you for the info. I was looking for this as well. I do have one question though. What would a BoE stone go for? I was wondering if I could get a TCG pet for it.

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Re: How much is a battle stone worth?

Post by Pocketimp » March 27th, 2013, 4:12 pm

On my server BOE Stones sell for 4.5-6.5k and most common TCG pets will go 9-12k unleveled and 15-20k leveled. That being said, I would want at least 2 BOE for a TCG pets but you should look at your AH for a couple days and gauge what they sell for. The market will usually rocket the weekend before new pets are release and for the first week. A buddy couldn't sell a BOE for 4k 3 weeks before 5.2. I told her to hold on to it until we know for sure 5.2 is dropping. The weekend before 5.2 she listed it for 7k on tha AH and it sold before she made it back to the bank. Keep in mind listing price doesn't dictate selling price.

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Re: How much is a battle stone worth?

Post by Rakeling » March 27th, 2013, 4:41 pm

i'm unclear whether BoE stones get traded much. i've never traded one, except to somebody on the same server, where they could actually take the stone from me and use it to upgrade their own wild pet.

scenario for early - mid collection upgrades:
i'm looking for upgrades for several types of pets. given the choice of initiating a trade with somebody with BoP stones, and somebody with BoE stones, i'm going to talk to the person with the BoP stones, because i think it will cost me less in trade. lots of people are offering stones that are useful for me, so it's easy to find trades.

scenario for late collection upgrades:
i only need one type of stone now. a lot of people are at the same stage as me, and competition for that type of stone is high (usually beast or flyer). i will try to a mix of tactics:
a) pounce instantly on all trade offers for BoP stones of that type
b) offer more in trade for BoP stones of that type (including 2:1 stone trades)
c) seek out BoE stones on the AH
d) seek out BoE stones in trade

so i suspect it's hard to get what a BoE stone is worth unless you're dealing with somebody who's impatient, and/or a late stage upgrader who isn't getting what they want from tactics a-c. my advice? save them for yourself or try to sell them on the AH when the prices are high.

if other people trade for BoEs, or have had luck trading them away, please pipe up. this is all just from my personal experience, and is opinion, not fact. i could be dead wrong.

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Re: How much is a battle stone worth?

Post by Tahsfenz » March 27th, 2013, 6:46 pm

I've traded every BoE stone I've gotten for common TCG pets. I think both Landros pets & maybe a Grell? It usually takes a few days, but I always find a taker on these forums.

They go for around the same price on my server anyways, 9-10K, so I think it's fair.

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Re: How much is a battle stone worth?

Post by Adely » March 27th, 2013, 9:55 pm

Thank you for all the responses! I will check AH prices to see if a trade is feasable :D

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Re: How much is a battle stone worth?

Post by Tahsfenz » March 27th, 2013, 9:59 pm

Adely wrote:Thank you for all the responses! I will check AH prices to see if a trade is feasable :D
If you are looking to get a TCG pet for it, post it on the forums. It may take a few says, but you'll most likely get it assuming your after a common. Gusting grimoire might be a little tough for it, but others should be no problem. Just let people know what your looking for.

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