(US) WTT: BoA Pet stones

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Joined:September 23rd, 2010
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(US) WTT: BoA Pet stones

Post by _Rand_ » May 26th, 2013, 12:42 am

Currently I have 4 Dragonkin, 1 Elemental and 1 Undead pet stone.

I'm probably reaching for a few here but I'm looking to trade for the following:

Red Carp
Green Carp
White Carp
Darkmoon Rabbit
Dragon Kite
Eye of The Leigon
Hippogryph Hatchling
Ji-Kun Hatchling
Landro's Lil' XT
Living Fluid
Nightsaber Cub
Rocket Chicken
Son of Animus
Pygmy Direhorn
Viscous Horror

I'll also trade for any pets in my profile that I've excluded (AKA: completely given up on.) but that's really reaching.

I'll also do straight up trades for your extra Beast, Flying, Mechanical, Humanoid, Critter or Magic Stones.

You can either reply here, or find me through my battletag.

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