(US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.Pending

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(US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.Pending

Post by Cologen » July 6th, 2013, 2:43 am

TRADE COMPLETED, Thank you for welcoming me into the community for my short stay...who know maybe i will be back to get me osme pets someday!

I have a Viscous Horror, I am not a pet collector, I love mounts and gold. I figure since my auction is being watched on this site I should post that I am willing to trade for tgc items, nothing too common...I do like mounts, lol! If there are gold offers, comparable to those that have been sold on other realms, or a good trade offer, you could be the new master of this little guy!

Just to clear this up a bit. I am very flexible on trades, I am just looking for something to justify not giving this little guy to my wife. She likes, not loves, pets. So don't be afraid to offer something.

Btag Cologen#1812
Last edited by Cologen on July 6th, 2013, 10:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.

Post by Faelar » July 6th, 2013, 2:45 am

Heh there might be a few crazy people overpaying out the yin-yang for one. I think in the past week or two I've seen people trade a soul-trader (lolwhat) and a Grunty (lolwhatx2) for it. So likely there might be a few people left will to go crazy for it. If none of the nuts offers pop up for you I'll keep an eye on this thread and see if it gets reasonable. Good luck though

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Re: (US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.

Post by Tenshiame » July 6th, 2013, 5:19 am

I'd be willing to trade a number of the pets I have duplicates of (here's a copy of my trading list from my own topic):

ashstone core x2
Harbinger of Flame
Terrible Turnip x2
Darting Hatchiling
Pandaren water Spirit
Pandaren Air Spirit
Imperial Silkworm x3
Spring Rabbit x3
Living Sandling

TCG pets:
sand scarab x4

Non-pet TCG items available: (unscractched cards)
Paint Bomb
Paper Airplane

I also have a the bear TCG mount (the red bearon) I might consider it for the viscous horror : / still thinking about it but let me know if it's something you're interested in and maybe we can haggle

Or perhaps a blizz store mount?

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Re: (US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.

Post by Astratia » July 6th, 2013, 11:17 am

Let me know if a Bliz store mount of one of the Jewel crafting panthers interests you :)

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Re: (US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.

Post by Dakaf » July 6th, 2013, 11:57 am

Sent you a mail through WCP contact!
<Kings and Queens> Alliance on Dawnbringer
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Re: (US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.

Post by Cologen » July 6th, 2013, 12:45 pm

Update. I have recived a few offers, Most are the same, so I will post this here.

I do not want the JC mounts, i can make them, just have not doe in, no clue y. and I already have the code for the bear.

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Re: (US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.

Post by Laraven » July 6th, 2013, 5:50 pm

If I was your Wife You'd be duct taped and hogtied into giving me the pet.

But imo, I would just try to sell it for like 20-40k, and do it quick before this pets floods the AH because and it most certainly will as ToT progresses. I LOVE pets, but the TCG mounts go for $100-$200 and that's for the cheaper ones like Savage Raptor, Big Battle Bear, and the new Charger. so that like 100,000g-200,000g each mount. You prob won't get many offers for TCG mounts. And since your not a pet collector, you won't be interested in most of what we all have to trade here on this pet collection site. JC mounts can be sold for 20k gold, its not a bad deal. Big Battle Bear can be sold for 40-60k gold (server depending) which is not half bad either imo.

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Re: (US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.

Post by Cologen » July 6th, 2013, 6:00 pm

I am just looking to see if anything she wants more shows up, she thinks it is a boring blob. I could honestly care less if it goes anywhere, I got it for free (raid drop) so I have no problem having it collect dust in my pet pile. If i get something I want, sure i will trade it, but if I do not see anything offered that she wants or I want. Then it just sits here. I am not hurting for gold, so I do not need it gone. Just figured I would give it a chance to turn into something either of us would want and add it to a collection of a person that would actually summon it out, once and a while.

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Re: (US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.

Post by Pompea » July 6th, 2013, 6:23 pm

Laraven wrote:But imo, I would just try to sell it for like 20-40k
I think it's still worth more than that to be honest. I traded mine off for ~100k just a few days ago, and I honestly think I could have gotten more if I had been patient.

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Re: (US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.

Post by Faelar » July 6th, 2013, 6:27 pm

well do not know if this is legit or something you'd even want but


was a forum thread I saw about it.

Edit: and as much as I hate to admit it, the pet is still a 50k+ pet right now

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Re: (US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.

Post by Peanutty » July 6th, 2013, 7:23 pm

Just a little unsolicited advice to OP: I wanted to trade a Horror for a TCG mount as well and didn't get any bites on that front, it's just too much of a "price" difference and pet collectors aren't necessarily mount collectors. But IMO the pet is still valued at 100k easily (varies by realm of course, 50-150k seems the normal range). [shrug]

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Re: (US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.

Post by Cologen » July 6th, 2013, 9:28 pm

Trade pending!

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Re: (US)I have a Viscous Horror, Looking for trades.Pending

Post by Sweetdr0ps » July 6th, 2013, 9:48 pm

sent request, have a tcg mount

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