trading white carp and 2 panda pets for a red carp

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Joined:April 5th, 2013
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Realm:Cenarion Circle-us
trading white carp and 2 panda pets for a red carp

Post by Nastard » July 18th, 2013, 7:18 pm

I need a tiny red carp and can offer a tiny white carp + a pandaren spirit pet of your choice + a reg panda pet of your choice (snowy, mountain, sunfur).

In addition I was lucky enough to win the roll on a Darkmoon Rabbit finally (not long after I broke down and bought one for myself) and was looking to trade it for Blizzard pet store pets. I need pretty much all the Blizzard store pets except Blossoming Ancient, Guardian Cub, and the Moonkin Hatchling. I can also offer gold on Cenarion Circle for the store pets.

Beyond the pet store pets, I need a Viscous Horror, Spectral Tiger Cub, and Living Fluid and can offer gold on Cenarion Circle for any of them. Thanks :)

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