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WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 4:21 am
by Angelwings626
I have an unopened collector's edition with unused codes that you can use to get the Panda, Zerg, and Diablo Pets. Also available is a Baneling and a Fetish Shaman. Willing to Trade for a Mini Tyreal. If anyone out there has one and is willing to trade please get in contact. TY.

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 4:27 am
by Licus
Just thought I would let you know. If the Vanilla CE is a US version and in great condition, you could sell it for much more than what mini tyrael is worth. The Vanilla CE sells for $1000+ easily and min tyrael regularly sells for around $750. Unless you are adverse to Ebay, there is no reason you could not get your mini tyrael and some cash on the side ;)

Also, going through a source such as Ebay can offer you some protection.

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 12:39 pm
by Angelwings626
Thank you for letting me know that. I didn't know that you could get the Tyreal for under $1000. Yeah, the CE is unopened and in mint condition. I saw them up for a lot of money, but I thought it was rather ridiculous that someone has that much disposable income to spend on it.

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 12:51 pm
by Laraven
I would be interested in buying or trading for the Vanilla CE. add me LaRaven#1620

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 1:08 pm
by Moneypenny
add a few thousand on that more like 3500 plus for that .. i wish i wish i wish gd luck id give u a tyrael if i had one

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 1:12 pm
by Ravnhawk
Yeah it's on Amazon now for $2500.00 - I still have not won the lottery. *sigh*

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 1:23 pm
by Nymphis
Ravnhawk wrote:Yeah it's on Amazon now for $2500.00 - I still have not won the lottery. *sigh*
Moneypenny wrote:add a few thousand on that more like 3500 plus for that .. i wish i wish i wish gd luck id give u a tyrael if i had one
They may be up there for that amount... but ebay's completed listing feature says they're only selling for 1500-2k. Still twice what tyrael is going for :) But good on you for holding onto it this long lol. Wish I had the cash to buy it or get what you want for trade :) GL!

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 2:51 pm
by Angelwings626
Yeah I usually go to the events and get them signed. <3 Pets! (IRL).

List of what I have:
CE Vanilla Mint Unopened. (ORIGINAL PANDA!!!!, Diablo, Zerg)
CE Burning Crusade Mint Unopened. (Netherwhelp)
CE Wrath Mint Unopened planning to open it to get frosty, as I am still missing him! (Frosty)
CE Cataclysm Mint Unopened. (Lil Deathwing)
CE Mist of Pandaria Mint Unopened. (Lucky Quilen Cub)

Non Wow....
CE StarCraft Heart of the Storm Mint Unopened (Baneling)
CE Diablo 2 Mint Unopened (Fetish Shaman)

Then there's the Blizzcon Pets that I still have to Redeem

(murloc costume and a polar bear mount...meh.)

In actuality, I have 2 of everything because I get one signed by the developers. With the exception of Vanilla CE, I had the artbook signed by the in game artists. Not sure if you guys know who they are, but all are signed by Mike Mohiem and Chris Metzen.

I think this is the first time I am able to discuss what I have with the excitement I have about them. Even my boyfriend who plays wow, doesn't see my excitement and thinks I "wasted" money. I figure, you can always make more money, but you may not always be able to get my pets! =X

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 3:14 pm
by Laraven
They might post them for high amounts, but they don't sell. Same sellers have had them for months now. I have seen them for as little as $900.00 There is not a lot of people willing to pay the prices for pixels, cept our crazy butts! :P

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 3:22 pm
by Cdeveau
Laughs. Just to put it into perspective, (I live in Arizona) I just paid $5K for a new AC unit to be installed. Hard to justify spending half of that for a trio of pets.

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 3:24 pm
by Ravnhawk
Diablo II is a Fetish Shaman?

I thought Dialbo 3 is a Fetish Shaman?

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 3:29 pm
by Moneypenny
think it was last year i saw vanilla bc and wrath all L EDs all up for 15k on ebay ...sad thing was that was the buy out next day it had bids on it from 10k

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 3:30 pm
by Angelwings626
LOL yeah you're right it's Diablo 3. Obviously I didn't buy it for the game lol.

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 3:39 pm
by Angelwings626
It's pretty funny because it shows that price is an illusion. It hard to figure out something value without having to compare it something else. I've been wanting to buy a Viscous Horror, but I hardly think its worth 150k (on my server). I hear about people getting it for 50k...and I'm thinking that's a GREAT PRICE.

I paid.....I dunno, maybe $75 for that Vanilla CE when it came out. I was at the launch event. I had bought 2 because my friend worked for Blizzard and I wanted to show my excitement/support for the launch XD.

I think $1000 is a lot for the game. But to the right person $1000 is not a lot of money.

People buy purses that are $20,000 XD and shiny rocks in the millions. BUT...These sure super cute little in game thingies that do thingies when you play with them...and I value that.

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 3:46 pm
by Adecesar
Laraven wrote:They might post them for high amounts, but they don't sell. Same sellers have had them for months now. I have seen them for as little as $900.00 There is not a lot of people willing to pay the prices for pixels, cept our crazy butts! :P
Yeah lots of times people post for way higher than what it's worth, but the easy way to cut through the overpriced junk is to just search by completed listings.

For example, someone sold a Vanilla CE still in shrink wrap for $2449.99 4 days ago. Going back a bit farther someone sold just the CD-Key for $1600 5 days ago and a whole bunch from farther back from everything as low as $1350 to as high as the $2500 paid half a week ago with a mean of around $1750. Tyrael's Hilt sells for as low as $450 (although I think the seller messed up here, it got bought out very quickly) and as high as $850. Mean price is around $750.

So it looks like the Vanilla CE is worth anywhere from 1.5-2.5x as much as the Hilt, depending on patience.

Best of luck with the sale and/or trade OP!

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 4:12 pm
by Dasaq
I was fortunate enough to buy a Vanilla CE for $850 last year. Sold it for 4.5mil in game which was a pretty good deal. Might sound crazy that it sells for 2grand+ but a lot of people buy them.

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 1st, 2013, 10:31 pm
by Ablutos
Goodluck, i would HIGHLY suggest you don't trade it for a MT but thats up to you. a MT is around 1M (seen someone sell one for 800k, one for 1.1M and one for 1.3M) while a Vanila C/E is about 3-4x that. I don't have a MT or access to one unfortunately but if you really want one i can put you in touch with the right people who wouldn't flinch at trading a MT for your C/E. You would be better to toss it up on Ebay for $1500-$1750 (which would sell fast) if it is signed with box etc your probably looking at $2000+ and then buy a MT for $800 and pocket $700-$1200.

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 2nd, 2013, 3:38 am
by Laraven
I can trade a MT for it. Let me know. I can also buy it. Either way I'm interested. Let me know.

Re: WTT: Zerg/Panda Diablo For Mini Tyreal

Posted: August 2nd, 2013, 10:59 am
by Demiano
Dont supposed youd be interested in a lv 25 ethereal trader for the BC serial? I just want the netherwelp