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WTT Skunky Alemental

Posted: September 20th, 2013, 11:00 am
by Celestya22
I have an extra Ominous Flame Skunky Alemental that I'd love to trade for one of the pets I'm missing.
I have an azure crane duplicate if anyone is missing that one. :D
I also have humanoid, undead and elemental stones I could trade.

I'd prefer:
Jadefire Spirit
Vengeful Porcupette
Any of the SoO raid pets

I'm also missing:
Gulp Froglet
Ashleaf Spriteling
Swarmling of Gu'chi
Viscous Horror

I also have:
Darkmoon Eye
Pandaren air spirits (3)
Pandaren fire spirit
Direhorn Runt
Pocket Reaver
Mini Mindslayer
Lil Bad Wolf
Zandalari Anklerender (P/P)
Filthling (2)
Sunfur/Mountain Pandas
Disgusting Oozeling
Magic Lantern/Lunar Lantern/Tiny Shale Spider/Feline Familiar/Willy/Egbert/Legs/Pet bombling, Sprite Darter, Crimson Lasher, Nether Ray Fry etc (try me if not listed, I have an alt full of these)

Re: WTT Skunky Alemental

Posted: October 3rd, 2013, 9:12 am
by Celestya22