LF Dark Portal Hearthstone TCG Item

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Joined:August 6th, 2013
Pet Score:1953
LF Dark Portal Hearthstone TCG Item

Post by Dominò42 » October 9th, 2013, 1:22 pm

Greetings and well met fellow pet collectors and denizens alike! I am looking to acquire said item in trade for a number of pets. I have quite a few available, and I will list what comes to mind immediately below. Obviously I am not including EVERY PET I LIST, but I am more than inclined to work with you to get us what we both would like!

Available Pets

Crawling Claw-lvl 25
Moon Moon- lvl 1
Jademist Dancer (S/S, lvl 1)
Jadefire Spirit-lvl 1
Ruby Droplet (H/S lvl 25)
Darkmoon Eye-lvl 1

Ya know, there's a lot of pets I have to trade and the vodka is just not working wonders on my memory.

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/zuljin/Perrycox/simple is my armory, feel free to check my pets out and lmk if I have anything that interests you!

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