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WTT Isle Pets, TCG Eye, Misc; looking for Raid, Isle

Posted: October 22nd, 2013, 9:41 am
by Slab
UPDATE 11/6: Been fortunate, knocked a few ToT pets off and added a surplus Moon Moon. I've been having a tough time finding a price model for the Crab ... I recognize that he's going to be more valuable than most other Timeless Isle pets (the few thousand Ancients I've killed can attest to that), but I don't want to think he's in ToT/low TCG range, is he?

[pet]Dandelion Frolicker[/pet] (P/S or H/S)
[pet]Jademist Dancer[/pet] (H/S or S/S)
[pet]Skunky Alemental[/pet] (H/H or B/B)

[pet]Eye of the Legion[/pet]
[pet]Moon-Moon[/pet] (P/S)

4 Undead
4 Elemental
Have 4 Flawless; will consider adding in the right trade.

I have enough Darkmoon Tickets to buy the Darkmoon pet of your choice.
I have enough Champion's Seals to buy the Horde side Argent pet of your choice

[pet]Spineclaw Crab[/pet]

[pet]Blackfuse Bombling[/pet]
[pet]Droplet of Y'Shaarj[/pet]
[pet]Gooey Sha-ling[/pet]

[pet]Pygmy Direhorn[/pet]
[pet]Son of Animus[/pet]

Re: WTT Isle Pets, TCG Eye, Misc; looking for Raid, Isle

Posted: October 22nd, 2013, 10:20 am
by Killua
Hi I was wondering if you would trade your earth spirit in for an air? I got 7 airs but only 2 earth left

Re: WTT Isle Pets, TCG Eye, Misc; looking for Raid, Isle

Posted: October 25th, 2013, 1:36 pm
by Slab
bump. Haven't acquired a single one of these :(

Re: WTT Isle Pets, TCG Eye, Misc; looking for Raid, Isle

Posted: October 30th, 2013, 8:46 am
by Slab
Bump. Several of these "wants" can't be *that* much more difficult to acquire than my "haves" ... anyone?

Re: WTT Isle Pets, TCG Eye, Misc; looking for Raid, Isle

Posted: October 30th, 2013, 10:56 pm
by Techno
I've got the ToT pets you want. I'm interested in the Eye of the Legion, Ruby Droplet and the flawless stones.

Re: WTT Isle Pets, TCG Eye, Misc; looking for Raid, Isle

Posted: October 31st, 2013, 8:38 am
by Slab
Hrm, that's a lot of math ... let's talk. :) I am Slab#1426, should be on by early evening Eastern time.

Re: WTT Isle Pets, TCG Eye, Misc; looking for Raid, Isle

Posted: October 31st, 2013, 9:55 am
by Wardedman
Your wants are a ton harder to get than your haves. 10 of your wants are things that people only have 1 shot at (per character) every week. While most of your haves are things you can farm or grind not to mention most raid pets go for about 6-10k and all your have pets normally sell for about 2-3k. Might want to update your haves to make it more even if want potential traders.

Re: WTT Isle Pets, TCG Eye, Misc; looking for Raid, Isle

Posted: November 6th, 2013, 10:29 am
by Slab
Bump. Warded's comments aside (I never thought I'd get all the wants for all the haves, I'm not stupid), I've managed to acquire some of the ToT pets I needed and added a surplus Moon Moon; and as I mention above I'm having a difficult time setting an appropriate price range for the Crab.