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LF a Droplet of Y'shaarjjwhateverthehellitscalled...

Posted: November 5th, 2013, 5:21 pm
by Ackbah
I don't have much to offer,

Moon Moon
Anub Idol
Macrabe Marinonette
Assorted Pandacoons & Zandaraptors
All the extra holiday pets and stuff everyone seems to have extras of...
A few stones, critter, mech, magic, dragon...

Gold on Illdian Horde, Hellscream Alli or Horde...

Lemme know.


Ack )


Re: LF a Droplet of Y'shaarjjwhateverthehellitscalled...

Posted: November 5th, 2013, 5:53 pm
by Sibi
Droplet's were pretty cheap on Illidan (H) last time I checked if nothing pans out for you here.

Re: LF a Droplet of Y'shaarjjwhateverthehellitscalled...

Posted: November 6th, 2013, 6:28 am
by Dragonwizard
Hey ack if you can get access to a skygolem or depleted rocket from engineering (on hellscream) I'll get you a droplet plus whatever you think is fair to make up the difference.