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LF Alterac brew pup / Enchanted Fey dragon bundle (Complete)

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 3:01 am
by Kaputt
Have all cage-able pets. Just ask for something reasonable in exchange.
offering about 40-45k gold worth of pets in exchange for $30 USD bundle.


Re: LF Alterac brew pup / Enchanted Fey dragon bundle

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 10:45 am
by Dagris
Tossed you an add in-game, but would you do a Dragon Kite?

Re: LF Alterac brew pup / Enchanted Fey dragon bundle

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 1:10 pm
by Kaputt
Dragon kite might be alittle over what i'm willing to give for the bundle. Still looking, offering about 40-45k gold worth of pets. Have every caged pet available.

Re: LF Alterac brew pup / Enchanted Fey dragon bundle

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 1:22 pm
by Mwebly
I am looking for a Kovok/Blackfuse Bombling/Droplet of Y'Shaarj combination for the bundle. Add my b-tag and we can deal when I am online later tonight.

Re: LF Alterac brew pup / Enchanted Fey dragon bundle

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 1:26 pm
by Kaputt
@Mwebly I can do that for the bundle :)

Re: LF Alterac brew pup / Enchanted Fey dragon bundle

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 4:03 pm
by Mwebly
Terrific! I'll be online later tonight, probably after 9 pm PST and we can do the deal!

Re: LF Alterac brew pup / Enchanted Fey dragon bundle

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 11:45 pm
by Mwebly
Thanks for the trade Kaputt!

Re: LF Alterac brew pup / Enchanted Fey dragon bundle (Compl

Posted: November 24th, 2013, 5:16 am
by Kaputt
thanks Mwebly for a smooth and awesome trade