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LF brew pup/fey dragon combo

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 11:00 am
by Mystical
LF brew pup/fey dragon combo

Have many pets:
-Blackfuse Bombling
-Gooey Sha-ling
-P/P Droplet of Y'shaarj

Timeless Isle
-P/P Spineclaw Crab
-All the other pets from the isle...

-Ji'kun hatchling
-Living Fluid
-Pygmy direhorn
-Living sandling

-Bananas lvl 25

-All the argent tournament pets
-All the rare drop pets
-All the events pets

If you are looking for other pets, just let me know


Re: LF brew pup/fey dragon combo

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 11:40 am
by Cdeveau
I can swing for another one pup/dragon combo. I'll be on later today and we can work out a trade. I'll add you.