(US) Rakee's Trades

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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(US) Rakee's Trades

Post by Doraan75 » December 7th, 2013, 1:13 pm

Hi all,

Instead of trying to do 1 pet at a time, I figured I'd just post a bunch of my extras and my missing and see if people want to offer up some trades. I may not get great trades, but at least this way I'm not asking for too much in return for too little. :) So, here's what I have extras of - all are level 1 and rare unless otherwise listed. Most are fairly mundane, but I have 1 or 2 that might be worth something to someone.

Ashstone Core (-/-)
Darkmoon Cub (B/B)
Darkmoon Monkey (-/-)
Darkmoon Turtle (-/-)
Darkmoon Zeppelin (-/-)
Harbinger of Flame (-/-)
Pandaren Air Spirit (-/-)
3x Pandaren Earth Spirit (-/-)
Pandaren Fire Spirit (-/-)
6x Snowy Panda (-/-)
8x Sunfur Panda (-/-)
Tiny Shale Spider (-/-)
Enchanted Broom (-/-) (uncommon)
2x Imperial Silkworm (-/-) (uncommon)
Jade Owl (B/B) (uncommon)
6x Macabre Marionette (-/-) (uncommon)

--I can also craft almost all craftable pets and mounts (I am horde-side on Terrokar) and am happy to make one (or more) for trades as well. I should have all the mats to craft any of these right now:
Chi-ji Kites & Yu'lon Kites
Any of the JC panthers (including the jeweled Onyx but that would need to be an amazing trade for me to spend so much)
Jade Owls & Sapphire Cubs
Pierre, Rascal-Bot, and Sky Golem (but I have 2 jards now, so they would take time)
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, Personal World Destroyer, Tranquil Mechanical Yeti, Lil' Smoky, Pet Bombling, Lifelike Mechanical Toad, and Mechanical Squirrel
Mechano-Hog (expensive, so a good trade only)
Turbo-Charged and normal Flying Machines
Enchanted Lantern
Shimmering Wyrmling, Sen'jin Fetish, Mulgore Hatchling, Durotar Scorpion, Tirisfal Batling, and the Enchanted Broom.

And now the list of what I need. For all of these, any breed, any quality, any level is fine. I'm really just looking to get 1 of everything (or everything that's possible for my account anyway). (I know nothing I have is probably worth the TCG pets, but I am just listing everything I don't have - feel free to ignore my noobishness.)

Blackfuse Bombling
Dragon Kite
Ethereal Soul-Trader
Eye of the Legion
Gooey Sha-ling
Gu'chi Swarmling
Gusting Grimoire
Hippogryph Hatchling
Landro's Lil' XT
Nightsaber Cub
Rocket Chicken
Spectral Porcupette
Spectral Tiger Cub
Spineclaw Crab
Tuskarr Kite
Viscous Horror

I'm happy to consider trades that are multiples of mine for 1 of yours, but try not to take too much advantage of me. :)

Thanks all for any trades and any friendly advice as I learn the trading scene here. My battletag is Doraan#1589 if you want to hit me up in-game.

Last edited by Doraan75 on December 13th, 2013, 7:50 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: (US) Multiple trades to fill my collection

Post by Jayr1013 » December 8th, 2013, 4:08 am

I know it may not be much for your moon moon, but i checked the list of what you want against my collection and the only extra i have to offer is a stoned p/p death adder hatchling. Let me know if its worth to ya to trade! Thanks

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Re: (US) Multiple trades to fill my collection

Post by Knightcode91 » December 8th, 2013, 5:54 am

i have a son of animus atm im lvling it to 25 woundering what ud be willing to trade for it once i get to 25 shouldnt take long

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Re: (US) Multiple trades to fill my collection

Post by Doraan75 » December 8th, 2013, 9:01 am

Jayr1013 wrote:I know it may not be much for your moon moon, but i checked the list of what you want against my collection and the only extra i have to offer is a stoned p/p death adder hatchling. Let me know if its worth to ya to trade! Thanks
Yeah, on my server, the prices are quite a bit different - Moons are still going 12-15k and hatchlings have been as low as 3k (but of course none have been posted in a while). I'd be hesitant to do this trade. Sorry. :(


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Re: (US) Multiple trades to fill my collection

Post by Doraan75 » December 8th, 2013, 9:02 am

Knightcode91 wrote:i have a son of animus atm im lvling it to 25 woundering what ud be willing to trade for it once i get to 25 shouldnt take long
I'd definitely be interested in the Animus, leveled or not. Would you take the Moon Moon and maybe another 1 or 2 of the smaller things? Anything else in my list you are interested in?


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Re: (US) Multiple trades to fill my collection

Post by Knightcode91 » December 8th, 2013, 9:19 am

if ur interested id trade for moon moon and dark moon tonk ?

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Re: (US) Multiple trades to fill my collection

Post by Doraan75 » December 8th, 2013, 9:26 am

Updated to reflect recent trades

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Re: (US) Multiple trades to fill my collection

Post by Doraan75 » December 11th, 2013, 7:41 am

Updated again to reflect more trades and needs.

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Re: (US) Multiple trades to fill my collection

Post by Doraan75 » December 13th, 2013, 7:50 am

Update: I now have access to all of the Horde-side argent tournament pets and am including them in the list of what I can offer. I can get any of them now, and can easily get more every 2 or 3 days.

Shimmering Wyrmling, Sen'jin Fetish, Mulgore Hatchling, Durotar Scorpion, Tirisfal Batling, and the Enchanted Broom.

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