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Trading Spectral Tiger Cub for Viscous Horror

Posted: December 7th, 2013, 5:30 pm
by Zanthe
I possibly have an extra Spectral Tiger Cub and I am wondering if anyone would be interested in trading a Viscous Horror for one. You can contact me here, or in game zanthe#1155. Thanks!

Re: Trading Spectral Tiger Cub for Viscous Horror

Posted: December 7th, 2013, 5:43 pm
by Index
Dammit, why are you not EU!!!


Re: Trading Spectral Tiger Cub for Viscous Horror

Posted: December 7th, 2013, 5:45 pm
by Zanthe
Lol wish I was if you have a horror to trade :P

Re: Trading Spectral Tiger Cub for Viscous Horror

Posted: December 7th, 2013, 5:58 pm
by Techno
Spectral Tiger Cubs have been mass duped on US and Oceanic servers lol. Not sure about Europe but over here they've been reduced to ~50k each on almost every server and Viscous Horrors are worth about 3-4x more at the moment lol.

Re: Trading Spectral Tiger Cub for Viscous Horror

Posted: December 7th, 2013, 6:04 pm
by Zanthe
Well definitely not every server, but ok. Still might be someone looking to get one of these that can't afford $140ish for it, but has a Viscous Horror.

Re: Trading Spectral Tiger Cub for Viscous Horror

Posted: December 7th, 2013, 6:28 pm
by Techno
Yeah definitely not every server, but pretty much every high-full population servers have it for less than 60k no doubt. They were even down to 30k each on my server the same week they got mass duped. It's a shame that Blizzard can't do anything about it but I'm pretty sure that even more are being continuously duped.