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Blu needs more pets! Trade with me!

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 10:00 am
by Bluzah
I have to trade:
Direhorn Runt x5 (3 x P/B, H/P, H/S)
Jademist Dancer S/S
Jadefire Spirit P/S
Black Tabby H/P
Dandelion Frolicker x3 (H/S, S,S, S/B)
Macabre marionette (H/P)
Lil Bling (S/S) Uncommon
Filthling B/B

Pets I'm missing
Blackfuse bombling
Crawling claw (yep I've been really unlucky with my archaeology!)
Darkmoon Rabbit
Droplet of Y'Shaarj
Spineclaw Crab ( that crab... *Shakes fist*)
Viscous Horror

I realise that some of those pets aren't worth as much as other and I'd be willing to trade more than one. Or I'd even be happy to go out and hunt some down such as the Filthling. I've had plenty of luck finding that one!

*Note that although I play on a U.S server I play from Australia so If I won't be able to answer posts around the hours of about 11am est to about 7pm. As I will be sleeping! I forgot to add I am on Argent Dawn Horde Side

Re: Blu needs more pets! Trade with me!

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 8:35 pm
by Bluzah
I'm online now. Any takers?

Re: Blu needs more pets! Trade with me!

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 8:41 pm
by Thetaxman
What would you be wanting for a Jadefire Spirit? (as in around what value?)

Re: Blu needs more pets! Trade with me!

Posted: December 16th, 2013, 8:47 pm
by Bluzah
My AH can be finicky as most can. I've sold one before for 10k and then seen them drop to 5k.