Wish list ..need your help please
Posted: December 17th, 2013, 1:23 am
I know they are all tough ones but I'm hoping someone can help. If your looking for something and its not on my list please let me know and I will try to help you!
Deathy (Blizzcon 2010)
Grunty (Blizzcon 2009)
World of Warcraft -*Mini Diablo* *Panda cub* *Zergling*
World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Collector's- *Netherwhelp*
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Collector's- *Frosty*
World of Warcraft Cataclysm Collector's- *Lil' Deathwing*
Diablo 3 Collector's- *Fetish Shaman*
Diablo 3 Reaper of Soul's collector's - *Treasure Goblin*
Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty Collector's- *Mini-Thor*
Blizz Bear Mount (Blizzcon 2008)
Other wants:
Viscous Horror THANKS LJGK
Rocket chicken thanks swaps
Tuskarr Kite thanks Jarekucb
Bananas thanks Jarekucb
Rotten Helper
Most TCG mounts
Things I have to trade:
Ruby droplet (bb)
Pandarian air spirit
Pandarian earth spirit
Pandarian fire spirit
Corefire imp
Crimson lasher
Death talon whelpguard
Fossilized hatchling
Giant bone spider
Harbringer of flame
Harmonious Porcupette
Macabre Marionette
Menagerie Custodian
Mini mind slayer
Terrible turnip
Tide skipper
Tiny Green carp
Viscidus Globule
Voo doo figurine
Winter reindeer
Zandalari anklerender
Zandalari toe nibbler
Mountain panda
Purple puffer
Pygmy Direhorn
Sinister squashling
Snowy panda
Spawn of Gnathus
Sunfur panda
Sunreaver Micro sentery
Vengeful Porcupette
Gulp froglet
I have more need to search my alt bank.. if there is something your needing please let me know.
Thanks for looking!
Deathy (Blizzcon 2010)
Grunty (Blizzcon 2009)
World of Warcraft -*Mini Diablo* *Panda cub* *Zergling*
World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Collector's- *Netherwhelp*
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Collector's- *Frosty*
World of Warcraft Cataclysm Collector's- *Lil' Deathwing*
Diablo 3 Collector's- *Fetish Shaman*
Diablo 3 Reaper of Soul's collector's - *Treasure Goblin*
Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty Collector's- *Mini-Thor*
Blizz Bear Mount (Blizzcon 2008)
Other wants:
Viscous Horror THANKS LJGK
Rocket chicken thanks swaps
Tuskarr Kite thanks Jarekucb
Bananas thanks Jarekucb
Rotten Helper
Most TCG mounts
Things I have to trade:
Ruby droplet (bb)
Pandarian air spirit
Pandarian earth spirit
Pandarian fire spirit
Corefire imp
Crimson lasher
Death talon whelpguard
Fossilized hatchling
Giant bone spider
Harbringer of flame
Harmonious Porcupette
Macabre Marionette
Menagerie Custodian
Mini mind slayer
Terrible turnip
Tide skipper
Tiny Green carp
Viscidus Globule
Voo doo figurine
Winter reindeer
Zandalari anklerender
Zandalari toe nibbler
Mountain panda
Purple puffer
Pygmy Direhorn
Sinister squashling
Snowy panda
Spawn of Gnathus
Sunfur panda
Sunreaver Micro sentery
Vengeful Porcupette
Gulp froglet
I have more need to search my alt bank.. if there is something your needing please let me know.
Thanks for looking!