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Looking for Gu'Chi, Ashleaf, Jadefire Spirit

Posted: December 20th, 2013, 12:44 pm
by Cdeveau
I'm in need of a few timeless pets and the helper drop as work is keeping me from the you're a mean one quest.

Ashleaf Spriteling
Gu'chi Swarmling
Jadefire spirit
Rotten Little Helper

Drop me a note here letting me know what you're looking for and I'll see if I can make it work. Thanks, and happy holidays.

Re: Looking for

Posted: December 20th, 2013, 1:00 pm
by Aali
i have both the rotten helper and jadefire

i am looking for the fey bundle from the store, or stones and pet store sale pets. I also a have moon moon that i could drop into for w/e purpose you may want.

Re: Looking for

Posted: December 20th, 2013, 3:26 pm
by Witchhunt
I've got everything on the list, online now.

Re: Looking for Gu'Chi, Ashleaf, Jadefire Spirit

Posted: December 20th, 2013, 9:16 pm
by Cdeveau
Thanks for the quick/easy trade Ablutos!

Re: Looking for Gu'Chi, Ashleaf, Jadefire Spirit

Posted: December 20th, 2013, 9:18 pm
by Jarekucb
Have all 3, contact me Jarek#1999

Re: Looking for Gu'Chi, Ashleaf, Jadefire Spirit

Posted: December 20th, 2013, 9:35 pm
by Faelar
also have all 3, but deal with Jarek first. If still needed after that let me know at Faelar#1331

Re: Looking for Gu'Chi, Ashleaf, Jadefire Spirit

Posted: December 21st, 2013, 10:40 am
by Moppet
I have a stoned gu'chi if you're still looking

Re: Looking for Gu'Chi, Ashleaf, Jadefire Spirit

Posted: December 21st, 2013, 10:44 am
by Cdeveau
Hi all,

I'm traveling cross country today and might be on tonight, but if not I'm on tomorrow for sure. Once I get on I'll reach out to everyone in the order of messages here. Sorry for the delay and happy holidays!