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What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 5th, 2014, 3:44 pm
by Navi
I just checked Ebay and they're far more expensive than I anticipated. Based on other comments I've seen, I thought they were an off and on feature of the blizz store. Is that the case? I'm a little late to the pet collecting game and not familiar with them.
Also wondering why I don't really see people trading them in here, and what sort of trade value they command? (Obviously I'd like to cross em off my list.)
Re: What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 5th, 2014, 3:48 pm
by Ablutos
Navi wrote:I just checked Ebay and they're far more expensive than I anticipated. Based on other comments I've seen, I thought they were an off and on feature of the blizz store. Is that the case? I'm a little late to the pet collecting game and not familiar with them.
Also wondering why I don't really see people trading them in here, and what sort of trade value they command? (Obviously I'd like to cross em off my list.)
They sold out quickly, then the store got more in stock and a few people "stocked up" and they sold out again, not sure when/if they will get more in stock.
Gryphon Hatching was selling for around 50-60k and the Wing rider Cub was around 125-150k however the store got more in stock and the prices dropped, not sure on current prices I'd assume the Gryphon is around 50k and the Wing Rider Cub is around 100k.
Re: What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 5th, 2014, 3:52 pm
by Navi
Ablutos wrote:I'd assume the Gryphon is around 50k and the Wing Rider Cub is around 100k.
Thanks for the info! Those price points sound reasonable. Now to find someone who has em...
Re: What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 6th, 2014, 1:34 am
by Ablutos
Goodluck, Gryphon Hatchling is generally easier to get!
Re: What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 6th, 2014, 6:30 pm
by Butterstuff
I think those prices are extremely optimistic. Its been a very long time since these sold out. I believe the ebay's prices are a fairly accurate atm.
Re: What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 7th, 2014, 1:20 am
by Astraldr0p
Same. Just watching on ebay - the gyphon goes for $80-100 and the wind rider is about double that. The last time the wind rider was in stock was back in October and it sold out in like two days
Re: What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 7th, 2014, 1:26 am
by Ablutos
Was just an estimate guys, i wouldn't know 100% i got mine ages ago, I do know the wing rider cub was sold on the official wow forums for 125k a few weeks back and the gryphon is half that.
Re: What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 7th, 2014, 1:40 am
by Vaerosi
Hopefully they come back soon, but I'm not too sure how optimistic I'd be. I got mine back in October for my birthday after waiting about a year, give or take, of them being sold out. If I would have known the cycle would repeat itself so quickly, I would have bought a second one for a friend. =(
Re: What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 8th, 2014, 3:09 am
by Pinyin
I have one that I'd trade for a vicious horror-but I am not even sure how to go about it. Does one mail the pet and code...I figure it s a deal that make me twitchy. But I am pretty new to trading for pets-so I always think about what could go wrong.
Re: What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 8th, 2014, 7:37 am
by Navi
I think it depends on the traders and whatever arrangement they are comfy with. I'd probably do something like redeem the code, then trade the pet, then trust the other person to mail the plush. That way we'd take turns with the risk factor.
It's definitely a trade you shouldn't do unless you check into the other person's rep and make sure they have an established history of not running away when given a code, and if someone btags you to offer on your plush, make sure they really are whoever they say they are on WCP.
I myself can't seem to get my hands on an extra horror and don't want to trade away my only one. Hopefully Blizz comes to the rescue and puts them back in store but if I do get one I'll add it to my trading thread and will probably still be seeking plushies. Tyvm, Pinyin!
Re: What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 8th, 2014, 9:31 am
by Cdeveau
Navi wrote:I think it depends on the traders and whatever arrangement they are comfy with. I'd probably do something like redeem the code, then trade the pet, then trust the other person to mail the plush. That way we'd take turns with the risk factor.
Tyvm, Pinyin!
Just as an FYI based upon owning the gryphon pet and plushie, is that the code once redeemed is bound to the account. So to trade the pet you would have to provide the person with the code they could redeem. Hope that helps!
Re: What's the deal with plushies?
Posted: January 8th, 2014, 9:34 am
by Navi
Oh yes, I worded that very poorly. I meant as the recipient of the plushie, I'd redeem the plush code, then trade the Horror (or whatever pet I was exchanging for the plushie), then await the snail mail to finish out the deal.
Thanks for pointing that out. I could've ruined that for a new trader. /facepalm @ myself.