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LF Viscous Horror

Posted: January 15th, 2014, 8:02 pm
by Stormseeker
I'm willing to trade most any pet(s) for these two and on a couple servers i have about 30-50k gold available but working on that as i can. Given the extreme rarity of these pets I realize that it will probably take multiple of my pets and/or gold to get one so if you have one of these pets to trade let me know what you want. I can also level any pet I have and upgrade it to rare quality if it isn't already. The only restrictions i have on pets i'm willing to trade are the SoO drops unless i have multiple of them. Just so i'm clear: I will NOT trade any SoO drop pets unless i have multiples of them. Otherwise please feel free to ask away. I'm willing to gift you any blizz store pets/mounts as part of the trade as well.

Battletag: Stormseeker#1145 (if you use battletag please indicate pet trade in note when you send request or it will be denied most likely)

Edit: I have an extra Blackfuse bombling and Droplet of Y to trade that i didn't before. And i'm now only looking for a Viscous Horror, but if you're missing something i have let me know what trade you're interested in doing.

Re: LF Viscous Horror and Soul Trader

Posted: January 17th, 2014, 8:13 pm
by Yamum
Friend request sent.

Re: LF Viscous Horror and Soul Trader

Posted: January 17th, 2014, 11:10 pm
by Stormseeker
Yamum, let me know when you'll be on. I work a lot these next few days but i will be on at night. Usually by 7:30 or 8pm central time.

Re: LF Viscous Horror and Soul Trader

Posted: January 24th, 2014, 11:36 pm
by Stormseeker
Ok I'll be getting my soul trader "soon" so now i'm just looking for the viscous horror. As far as SoO pets go I do have an extra Droplet of Y and Blackfuse Bombling. Feel free to let me know if you see something you're interested in and have a viscous horror you're willing to trade for.

Re: LF Viscous Horror and Soul Trader

Posted: January 27th, 2014, 1:01 am
by Yamum
Hi, those RAF rewards just came through. We never seem to cross paths online so I was thinking that if you'd like to create a character on Blackrock-A I can just mail your pets to you.

Re: LF Viscous Horror and Soul Trader

Posted: January 27th, 2014, 1:23 pm
by Stormseeker
Yeah my schedule is rather weird at best. I just made a character named Stormseekerz on blackrock-A. Notice i had to add a "z" at end due to stormseeker being taken lol.