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LF Warlord of draenor CE

Posted: March 10th, 2014, 3:54 pm
by Mystical
Hello :)

I'm looking for the Digital Deluxe Edition of Warlords of Draenor...

I Have many pets to offer, some of them:

-Spectral tiger cub level 1
-Darkmoon rabbit H/S
-Crawling Claw level 1
-Droplet of Y'shaarj
-Blackfuse Bombling
-Son of animus
-living fluid
-All the timeless isle pets (ruby droplet, jadefire spirit, S/S death adder hatchling rare and level 25, and all the others)
-All the rare drops pets (emerald, crimson, azure and dark whelplings, hyacinth macaw, searing scorchling, fox kit, sprite darter hatchling and many others)
-All the common TCG pets (Grell, lichling, eye of the legion and all the others)
-All the reputation pets, all the event's pets, and more, and more

If you are looking for something specific please let me know...

*Important information: I won't go first in this trade.. You can check my profile and reputation in this site and have done many of these trades before

Add me to talk Mystical#2994